Last night was long, but good. Sophie slept well and nursed well and when she was awake, she cooed in her bassinet between us. Once the sun was up, I feasted my eyes upon this. I laid in bed, snuggling with her until my first meal of french toast arrived. I know it was hospital food, but I was starving and it was so good. I got to shower first thing this morning and was finally untethered from my many cords and cables. Sophie, SD & I spent the first few hours of our day snuggling in bed together quietly. No tv, no computer, no telephone. It was bliss. My other angel arrived around lunch and spent most of the day with us. We watched Hannah Montana, sang silly songs, played paper dolls and talked about being a big sister. It was a lovely day and I can't wait to do it all ...
Happy Birthday, Sophie!
Sophie Kae Fields made her arrival this morning at 7:24. She was 6 lbs, 14 oz and 20 inches long. She is absolutely gorgeous, which isn't too hard to believe considering that she looks just like her big sister. My surgery went beautifully and she was born only 9 minutes after it began. I got to watch a giant flat-screen TV while they cleaned her up and it was so exciting to see all of the action this time around. She got to spend lots of time with me in recovery and we've all been fighting over her ever since. Thank you so much for all of your well-wishes, thoughts and prayers today. Our day couldn't have gone better and Ella is in LOVE with her baby sister. ...
It’s Sophie Day…
It's early. Bags are packed and the car is loaded. Beemer is cared for and Ella is fast asleep at Garan's. I've had a haircut, manicure and pedicure. I've paid the bills, mailed thank you notes and finally completed my Census form. The house is clean and the yard looks gorgeous. Big pink bows are hanging in Sophie's room... ready for the mailbox and front door. Coming home outfits are pressed and ready to go. The fridge is stocked for next week and we've got hospital snacks in the car. Car seats are installed and the nursery is finally finished.All that's left is to meet Sophie. Please pray for us today as we meet our new addition. Pray... that my surgery is on-time and uneventful. that my doctors and nurses make good decisions and give us the best possible care. that ...
Baby Belly, Week 39
No More Doctor’s Visits!
Today was my last doctor's appointment before the big day. I was scheduled for my bi-weekly non-stress test and planned to take Ella along. She loves going to the appointments, visiting my sweet doctor and hearing Sophie's heartbeat. My mom was worried that I'd get there with her and they would decide to keep me and we'd be stuck! Luckily, they had a weather-day and she got to tag along, too. For those of you unfamiliar, a non-stress test measures the babies heartbeat, movement and any contractions I might be having while at rest. No stress is applied to the baby, I just get to hang out in a comfy chair for 20 minutes and hear Sophie's heartbeat, wiggles, kicks and hiccups while the doctor watches the results. Ella & Gran came in and kept me company, so I snapped a sweet picture ...
Baby Belly, Week 38
Sorry for the sporadic posting the last few days, but our house has been a bit of a whirlwind. I went to the doctor last Wednesday for my weekly visit and for the first time this entire pregnancy, Sophie wasn't measuring as she should. Instead of measuring 36 weeks, my belly was closer to 34 weeks and it caused my overly-cautious doctor {which I appreciate} some concern. My doctor was sure the measurements were off because of her position and nothing more, but I had an ultrasound and non-stress test that day to see how things were going. The ultrasound showed her to be 5 pounds and 15 ounces, putting her in the 24% percentile over all for height and weight. According to my doctor, anything between 10% and 90% is considered normal, but we wanted to take a better look at her just in case. ...
Baby Belly, Week 37