Love Letters: Two Months
Sophie, Two months has come and gone. Fifty-six lazy mornings and fifty-six long nights. Many baths in the sink and too many diapers to comprehend. Hundreds of bottles and even more sweet snuggles. You have completed our lives in so many ways. Not only did we crave another spirit to love, but it has been so wonderful to see how much more we love your sister in these last eight weeks. She is so sweet to you and the wonder in her face when she looks at you is astonishing. You aren't the tiny little girl we brought home from the hospital; you are round and robust. Although still not in the double-digits, you are finally able to wear your pretty clothes. Your arms and legs are so long and lean, but dents and dimples and rings are beginning to appear. Your belly is so round and your face ...
My Two Best Girls.
what we’ve been up to
we are three picnic lunch packing, nap skipping, good book reading, sunshine enjoying, foot kicking, timid swimming girls. i love being on maternity leave in the summer. i am really enjoying spending these days with my girls. ...
Caught one…
Sorry for the poor photo quality, I was snapping too quickly to worry about camera settings! She's been grinning at us consistently for the last week or two and I finally managed to have my camera within arms reach. She gives much bigger ones than this - full on, gummy, smiley goodness. I'm still trying to catch one of those. ...
Baby Burrito
Ella refused to sleep unless swaddled and Sophie is the same way. It looks like last night she managed to get a hand out, but she stays pretty snuggled up in her blanket. This one has velcro to keep her confined and I absolutely recommend it. It look like torture, but she loves it. Strap her arms down and she's out like a light! ...
Summer Days
We did again today and I'm happy to say this is the plan for the next five to six weeks. Sleepy mornings in pajamas and lazy afternoons by the pool. Ella did much better today. No screaming, just foot kicking, tip-toe walking goodness. I love summer. ...
Pool Days
This is how I spent most every summer day of my childhood. That is the best part of having a pool in your backyard. Even though we have to load up and drive a whopping three miles to get to Garan's, it is worth every moment of preparation. Ella was pretty scared and even a little mad at me for making her get in the water. She can touch the bottom of the shallow end this summer and I fully intend for her to be swimming by the end of the season. She did really good and I promised that we would try to spend every afternoon there after I picked her up from Heidi's. Sophie spent her afternoon in the shade, snuggling belly-down on the picnic table. Maybe when she has a little better head control and the water warms up a little, we'll let her take a turn. Until then, she's got it made ...