One of the things I love most about Ella is that she's insanely humble and unassuming. She's beautiful and talented and kind, but she doesn't always realize her own worth. A few weeks before Homecoming at her school, she mentioned that they were voting for Homecoming Class Representatives at school and talking about who she was thinking of voting for. I casually said something about her being the rep and the look on her face was hilarious. I don't think she had even considered that as an option, but she reminded me she was on the Railroad Safety Committee and that she would be riding in the parade with that group of students and that she had other responsibilities that would conflict with being the sixth grade rep. A week or so later, Polly and I were napping when I got a message from ...
Homecoming in our tiny little town is always such fun. People share photos from high-school on Facebook all week. The marquees on the schools boast of activities. Our yard is full of cars every day because there is something going on at the high-school. The kids in our family always want to ride in the parade and I never get to see it. I don't get to take many Fridays off from work that aren't vacation or holiday related, but this year I decided to spend the day at home with my family. I somehow convinced Taz to bow out of the parade and watch downtown with me. After dropping Ella off at the parade line up, we walked the few blocks downtown from our house. In case you haven't figured it out yet, we live in a TINY town. This is downtown. We have exactly one traffic light, a mom and pop ...