If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you that I am worried this post is a little repetitive. You assured me last month that you like all the recap and update posts, but it's likely a little overkill that I posted two of them within thirty minutes. If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you that I'm drinking my coffee at home these days. Since we moved and are house sharing with my parents, I drink coffee much more regularly than before. I can always get someone to share a pot of coffee with me. For example, I fell asleep for thirty minutes watching television tonight and I knew I needed a pick me up. I started making a pot of coffee and my dad said, "Yes, please!" I'm currently downing my second cup and this coconut creamer is life. If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that ...
The Monthly Report | June
planning | The only thing getting planned around here is our beach trip. Although maybe I should call it planned since the rest of my family is already there. I've enjoyed a few days at home to myself and I can't wait to spend eleven uninterrupted days with my people in our favorite place. In the spirit of planning, I did make my reservation for next summer earlier today. It gets harder and harder to book a site on our favorite street and the earliest you can call is one year in advance. My mom and I spent the morning on the phone and beach trip 2018 is officially in the books. wishing | I'm wishing it was Wednesday, because: beach. And as much as I do not want to wish the next two weeks of my life away, I'm also wishing the newest canine member of our family was already home. ...
Little Letters | June
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Dear June, WHY do I let you sneak up on me every year? You are both my least favorite (hello, dance recital prep) and most favorite (vacation in T-three days) month of the entire year. Let's just tone down the stress level a notch or two. Dear Currently Link Up, You were on my calendar for yesterday. I double-checked it Wednesday night and again yesterday around lunch. I just couldn't pull it off. I'll try to get my monthly infographic together in time for next week's coffee date. Cool? Dear Darling Black Birkenstocks, My vintage leather Arizonas are a mere twenty years old and still going ...
On Books + Reading
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. If you've been reading here for any amount of time, then you'll know that reading is one of my favorite things to do in the world. I remember my mom carrying me to the library as a little girl for the summer reading program. You know, the one with the ice cream cone chart? I'm pretty sure I still have that chart in my memory box somewhere. I'm a life long reader, but I have been through seasons where I didn't read as much, or I was only reading for school, or I was only reading terrible (young adult steamy romance) novels. My reading life has certainly evolved and the past year and half has probably ...
Five on Friday | Catching You Up
What a whirlwind of a week! What is it about a long weekend that makes the rest of the week feel so weird?! I had a horrible time remembering what day it was this week. Surely I'm not the only one. Since I took an unintended blog break (what even?!) over the last week, I thought I'd pop in a with a Friday post and catch you up on all that's going on in our world. This is going to be long and disjointed, but hang in there -- I have a fun announcement at the end of today's post! 1. Camper Update Since my parents are leaving for the beach tomorrow, we've been working hard to get the campers finished before their trip. We won't be headed down for a few more days, but we're so close. I finally made a master list of everything that needed to be done before we leave and divided it up ...
New Pool Porch
The pool at my parent's our house has undergone quite the transformation since it's original installation. Growing up, my mom was a lifeguard at a local pool where we were members. I remember spending almost every moment of every day in the water from the time I was a little girl until the summer before I turned thirteen. We moved into our house when I was in the first grade and the pool came many years later. We didn't have any warning, but when we returned from our summer vacation that year, there was a huge hole in the side yard! It was a long time before the concrete was poured and almost that entire summer, we used a giant piece of plywood next to the pool to keep from tracking in red mud. My parents planned to build a pool house for a very long time, but several years ago, they put ...
What I Read in May
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I really didn't mean to take off an entire week from blogging, but May has been positively insane. With end of the school year shenanigans, dance wrapping up for a few months, and our camper renovation in full swing -- we have been completely overwhelmed. I do have posts planned for tomorrow and Friday, so hopefully we're getting back in the swing of things. I missed you guys! Wait, is June really tomorrow? I know we say it almost every month, but this year is flying by and I can't believe we're within a few weeks of our summer vacation! The girls have been out of school for a week and we're ...
Collaboreads | Anne of Green Gables
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. This book lover’s link-up isn’t restrictive, joins great books with even better bloggers, and creates a wonderful space for conversation. I love that the prompts are open ended, meaning you can be as literal or as figurative as you’d like. We’ll pick the theme, you’ll pick the book, and then we’ll all link up at the end of the month. Sounds fun, right? This month’s prompt was to read a book that is or will be a movie or television show. I'm embarrassed to admit that until this month, I had never read Anne of Green Gables. Honestly? I had never even considered it. This is one of those titles that ...