Are you sitting down? Because you are going to need to stop what you're doing to make it through this post. Remember when this used to be a straight-up mom blog and we talked about daily life, little kid milestones, and everything in between? At some point, the girls grew up and we had to start sharing different parts of our lives and learn to relate to our readers in completely different ways. I had no intentions of returning to our roots, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. It looks like Taz + Belly is getting an old-school reboot in the form of baby number three?! I've been the very worst blogger this year, but it is not without its reasons. We discovered several weeks ago that we had made a significant error in calendar calculations and despite our perceived ...
Ordering Family Photos with
This post is in collaboration with All content and opinions are my own. Please tell me I'm not the only one with horribly outdated photographs on their walls? If we're being completely honest, there are rooms in my house with no photos at all and most of the frames in my office are filled with photos from Sophie's newborn session -- almost eight years ago. Whomp whomp. When reached out to see if I wanted to try some of their beautiful products, I couldn't say yes quick enough. We ordered a few items as Christmas gifts and a few for our own home, too! My two favorite items were the Picture Block and the Framed Double Print. I chose a few of our favorite photos from last year's family session and have had the best time finding the perfect spot ...
The Daily Dime | January 2018
Yesterday was the perfect snow day, even though it didn't really snow. The girls were thrilled for an extra day at home together and we took advantage of our still lingering Christmas decorations. Our coffee table was covered in art supplies for most of the day. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, chocolate milkshakes for lunch, and homemade chicken and dumplings for dinner. Today will probably look much like yesterday did. We do have white stuff on the ground, but it's mostly ice. It will keep us home again today, so I can't complain. We're planning to finally take our Christmas decorations down, have a Harry Potter movie marathon, and maybe do some laundry. Maybe. ...
Little Letters | January 2018
This post includes affiliate links. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Who is ready for another year of Little Letters? None of these are even remotely related and they certainly don't deserve a post of their own, but sometimes it's good to write down all of those random thoughts that flit through your head from time to time. Dear January -- We have gotten off to a great start. Thank you for slow mornings, lazy weekends, and Christmas lights that are lingering. Dear Christmas Tree -- I had big plans to take you down tomorrow, but I'm having second thoughts. Two months just wasn't enough. Dear Record Player -- I think I love you even more than my husband. There isn't a ...
2017 Reading Recap + Goals for the New Year
Affiliate links appear in 2017 Reading Recap + Goals for the New Year. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I knew I wanted to do an annual recap of everything I read this year, but for whatever reason, it seemed really daunting. I loved both of the recap posts I shared at the beginning of 2017 (What Should I Read Next & 52 Books In 52 Weeks), but I wanted to do something a little different. I'm taking cues from them both, listing everything I read this year (with links and ratings) below, and giving you a breakdown of the numbers -- because we all know that I have a thing with infographics, even if this one is less graphic and more info. Favorite Book of 2017: This is How ...
One More Christmas Post
Let me go ahead and apologize, because (a) nobody really wants to hear about Christmas on January 4th and (b) there are 42 photographs in this post. Yes, I could have whittled them down to a handful, but then I would feel the need to write eighteen paragraphs to explain why we had the best Christmas ever. Instead, you can just see how much fun it was (even though the photos aren't so great) and I'll keep the words to a minimum. Christmas comes in many waves for us, but the three most important ones occur on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and (usually) the day after. I never understand what you do when you only have a single day off for the holidays, because I intend to live in my pajamas for as long as possible. I hoard my vacation days for the entire year and can't remember a time when I ...
Currently | January 2018
I'm not sure how it's January. January. I know we all get tired of saying it (and reading it), but why does life go by so quickly once you reach adulthood? I want to do a better job of savoring my days in 2018. I want to stop anticipating the weekend so much, that I forget to enjoy every Tuesday and Wednesday that comes around (Monday's are another story, obvi). I want to be more intentional this year -- with blogging and with other aspects of my life. I know I'm late to the game on a goals post for this year, but I'm still thinking about what those look like for 2018. Instead of putting all of my energy into the new year, I've spent the last eleven days soaking up our home and our girls and the Christmas lights. I'll share a post in the next few days -- and probably write a separate ...
What I Read in December
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. After pretty much blowing it in November, I had high hopes for the month of December. I knew we would be busy with the holidays, but I had visions of spending eleven days reading beneath the Christmas tree. What really happened, is we holiday-ed super hard and aside from thirty minutes of an audiobook the one time I was in my car alone, I managed to read exactly 34 pages. Whomp whomp. I hesitate to say I'm disappointed -- because our Christmas was wonderful -- but I am sad that I didn't meet my ten book goal for December. But instead of talking about all the books I didn't read last month, let's dive into the ...