Alternately titled: the one with all the parentheticals. Life has been a whirlwind this year and it's to be expected. Obviously, our pregnancy was a huge surprise, and it set us on a course unknown for the year. I spent the majority of the first few months in bed or dealing with nausea and it didn't leave much space -- mental or otherwise -- to accomplish anything else. Since I started feeling better, I've been trying to play catch up in all areas of life. I'm filing my taxes today (if that doesn't say procrastination, I don't know what does), I've got two house portraits to finish that are so long overdue, my to-do list is a mile long, and I'm trying to budget for so many unexpected expenses that have (and will continue to) cropped up since January. I've missed the blog so much, but ...
Currently | April 2018
I've been feeling really guilty about my posting schedule for the last few months, but I realized yesterday that it's silly to fret over. Instead of being frustrated that I can't post here daily -- I'm going to share when I feel like it, when I have time, and when I'm inspired -- and stop worrying about all of the days in between. We have been so busy with house projects, doctor's appointments, and extracurricular activities, that it feels like the year is flying by. I'm trying so hard to savor these days being pregnant (seriously, this is my last one) and I feel like the weeks are slipping through my fingers already. Slow down, time! showering | Occasionally? Okay, that's sort of a joke, but I finding myself so frustrated with the entire process of showering right now. I love to be ...
Easter Magic
Am I the only one who is constantly amazed at how my expectations and reality don't quite match up? Sometimes, I hope for the best and I'm sorely disappointed, while other times I'm prepared for disaster and everything turns out perfectly. This was one of those weekends that was filled with a little bit of both. Today's post is probably going to be one of those that's more for me than anyone else, but looking through these photos and remembering little conversations from the weekend, makes me want to cherish these days of two big girls just a little bit more. This is our third year to attend church services on Good Friday instead of Sunday morning. It's still a little weird to get dolled up right after work and school, only to spend Easter Sunday in our pajamas, but I'm finding that ...
Book by Book | What I Read in March 2018
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I'm not doing so hot with time management these days and this book review post totally snuck up on me. Whhhyyyy do I think I share these on Wednesdays and realize my error every single month? Thank goodness for Rachel, who totally keeps me on my toes! I was thrilled to have a little of my reading mojo back this month. My numbers still aren't what they were last year, but pregnancy is definitely interfering (in the best possible way) with all of my usual habits. I'm still knocking out plenty of audiobooks, but being still enough to read and not falling asleep is hard work. I'm already chipping away at two ...
Bumpdate | 16 Weeks
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I might only be sharing a monthly bumpdate, but I'm still taking weekly photos to share on Instagram -- and to preserve for the baby book -- so I figured I would catch up at the beginning of each update post. Here are our weekly photos since we last checked on baby. Honestly? It's hard not to talk about baby all the time. I'm sure you've noticed a definite return to mommy blogging around here, but when it's the focus of your entire life at the moment, it's hard not to gush about it all the time. I know that it's different for every mama, but I'm that girl at the grocery store checkout dying to say: Did you ...
The Daily Dime | March 2018
Tuesdays are my absolute favorite day of the week. I get to work from home, which means fewer interruptions in the office and I can keep the laundry rolling. Bonus points for getting to hang out in the sunroom with Scoop all day! Most weeks, it looks the same: I try to get some blog work done before heading into the "office" and then I alternate between eating, reading, and working. These days have been especially kind to me during pregnancy because I can work weird hours and squeeze in a nap, when necessary! ...
Girls’ Day
I realize our days of big girl time is very limited, with our newest addition on the way. I try to spend one on one time with my girls (and two on one time, obviously) pretty regularly, but dance season is when Ella and I get the most uninterrupted face time. She had her first competition of the season a few weeks ago and it my first foray into dance competition + pregnancy + ten hour day and it was hard. Luckily we had a week off in between, because we were back at it this past weekend. The second competition was in Montgomery, which is right at 90 minutes from our home. Sophie had a birthday party and, although Josh came down to watch her dance, he had no intentions of riding with us and spending the day. Ella didn't have to be dressed and ready until noon, but one of her friends ...
Little Letters | March 2018
This post may include affiliate links. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Dear 13th Week, I am so glad you are here. We are exactly four days away from the second trimester and, although it's hard to believe we're a third of the way through this gig, I am hoping you bring all the good things. Dear Starbucks Café Mocha, You have no idea how much I missed and how delicious you tasted (twice!). I still can't drink coffee first thing in the morning -- I have to throw up first -- but enjoying a venti coffee on my way to work has been such a guilty pleasure. Dear 30* Morning, What in the world?! We have been enjoying lovely spring weather and I was not prepared to dig out sweaters ...