At some point over the weekend I asked Ella what she wanted to be when she grows up. She didn't even acknowledge the question at the time, despite its relevancy to whatever conversation we were having. Now some of you might laugh and say that she couldn't possibly know what I meant, but this child gets it. Well, except that sometimes she gets confused between "grow up" as in age and get older as opposed to "growed up" which usually means to throw up or gag, but that's a story for another day. Anyway... on Sunday afternoon we were eating lunch at Live Bait in Orange Beach {sidebar: let me tell you that we were the only customers this side of 75!}. We were eating seafood, coloring pictures and admiring the sea creatures hanging from the ceiling. My only complaint is that the television ...
We did a lot of stuff…
Our summer trips to GS are full of fellowship, family time and long days at the beach. We travel in a caravan of RVs and usually spend upwards of ten days camping at our favorite State Park, many of us stay for a month or more. We spend most days at the beach, one day shopping and several days lazing around our campsites riding bikes, reading books and playing cards. I am so lucky to be a part of an amazing family and we are all very close. There are as many as 35 of us at the beach together on a given day. It is crazy to see us all spread out like a Bedouin community not far from shore. There are coolers and umbrellas, tents and towels, toys and sack lunches. It is without question my favorite time of the year. I know that people like the beach, some people love the beach. My family ...
As evidenced by this photograph, we spent a lot of time naked on vacation. Let me rephrase that, Ella spent a lot of time naked on vacation. Any time we returned to our room to change clothes, whatever the reason, as soon as I took the last item she would say, "Can I be naked?" Of course you can, that is what vacation is for! We just kept the thermostat cranked up and she ran around in a pull-up for three days. Tonight before bed, I snuggled Ella into her room under a sheet, sweater blanket and two quilts. I turned her heater on and gave her two bunnies. She told me both of her bible verses for this month {Psalms 139:14 and 34:1} and said her prayers. At the suggestion of a great friend I asked her what she was thankful for. She immediately said, "God" because that is her standard ...
Good Morning Gulf Shores…
This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning. A beautiful sunrise and about 12 dolphins {not pictured} playing not far from shore. Ella & I stood at the window for half an hour watching them jump up and down. She kept screaming, "I see them, I see them." Very exciting. We had a fabulous weekend with many stories and not as many good pictures {we were much too busy having fun to remember the camera}. Much more to follow. ...
Resolutions gone awry
WARNING: There are too many parentheticals in the post. Sweet Daddy finally started feeling better on Saturday evening {when you get to spend a week on the couch, I'm guessing you probably do feel pretty spry} so we all headed to church Sunday morning. We had children's church and wow they were energetic. We had conversations about how we should "...praise the Lord at all times" {Psalms 34:1} and that included when we were sitting on the front row waiting for our cue to leave and while we were running screaming up the stairs to our classroom. I'm just guessing, but I don't think they got it. SD had a pain as we were leaving church {which threatened to ruin our much anticipated Mexican feast}, but he got over it and we joined the fam for lunch. As if kidney stones, surprise surgery ...
Semi-Silent Sunday
A few pictures from our day. Ella playing with her new magnetic Ballerina paper dolls. Again. This is how I found her. I was checking on her today and when I cracked the door, she was asleep in her chair about 2 feet from where I was standing. We're working on staying in our big girl bed during naptime. It makes me wonder at all of the sweet moments that we miss when we aren't following them around. You know I didn't care if the camera woke her up, right? It was too cute to miss. In case you were wondering, she's still dreaming. ...
Better with time
Well, things are getting better around here. Not good, but better. I was feeling a little frustrated last night thinking about all there was to do today, but I vowed not to do anything productive before bed, just relax. Josh and Ella were both in bed by 6:30 and I read blogs, ate a snack and watched What Not To Wear. It was fabulously quiet. This morning I got up and made pigs in a blanket and a pot of coffee. I sat at the computer and played while Ella watched Franklin and Jack's Big Music Show. Josh slept. Beemer slept. It was quiet again. I decided that I would relax for a little while and then bust a move around the house. We were eating dinner with Josh's parents so I knew I had all day to work before we had anything to do or anywhere to be. Guess what? We were eating lunch, not ...
Tag You’re It!
I have been tagged by Ashley at Heath Bars & Reese's Cups. The rules are to post the 4th picture from the 4th folder on your computer where you store your pictures, explain the picture, then tag 4 of your friends to share their pictures, too. Don't forget to let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their own blog. Luckily, my fourth folder contained pre-blogger photos, so you won't be bored! This is a picture of Ella and Isabella last February, right before Valentine's Day. It was a Saturday and we were all home hanging out and having fun. Bull, Ali & Bella came over to play and had such a good time. We put Bella in a white wicker bassinet that Ella's dolls sleep in and Ella pushed her all over the house. It was hilarious. This picture is of Ella kissing ...