It's been sixteen days since the last time I posted and I miss this. Life has been more than a little hectic this month -- my calendar looks absurd -- and I feel like I'm just coming to the surface. I have so much to share over the next few weeks, but I thought a short post to say hello was in order. I mentioned in January that I wanted to share regular "coffee date" posts with you and I've randomly decided that we'll do them on Friday. Not necessarily every Friday, but maybe so. It will be an easy way to document our daily lives without the stress and planning of a full blog post, although I'm hoping to share some of those, too. There are plenty of links in today's post, but none of them are affiliate links. We bought a house on Wednesday and we didn't even have to move! That ...
Seven Months With Polly
This post contains affiliate links, meaning any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. seven months as of April 5, 2019 I took these photos last Tuesday after Polly's nap and I had to check myself before changing her into something frilly or Instagram worthy. The fact is, she's stinking adorable in a graphic tee and joggers and I need to document that normalcy, too. She actually wore this to school today and it has me itching to add a few more cute tees to her spring and summer wardrobe (paired with J&J circle skirts, anyone?!). Height + Weight: I'm not sure about Polly's stats this month and she won't go back to the pediatrician until late June. Clothes: Her clothes are mostly ...
Spring Break at Wind Creek
While we head to the beach for a two week stay every summer, we don't travel in our camper as often as I'd like. We've made grand statements about doing it more, we've taken a few fall trips to North Alabama and a random beach weekend here and there, but we haven't really taken advantage of our travel trailer the way I wished we did. When our favorite campground was booked for Spring Break, we decided to book a week's stay at a lakeside state park less than an hour away, and try something new for a change. Josh and I both had to work while the kids were out of school, but we managed to tag team both the computer and the kids, and had a really great family getaway before we wrap up this school year. Here's a quick peek at how we spent our week away. Baby camper naps are my favorite. I ...
Currently | April 2019
March was a bit of a whirlwind and being out of town for an entire week for Spring Break, made it seem to go by even faster. We had the best time camping, but it's taken us several days to get back in the full swing of things. Polly has been sick, so naturally Josh & I are also feeling under the weather. Between a looming tax deadline and trying to close our mortgage this month, I'm a little over April already. experiencing | While we've experienced lots of fun things over the last month, we're currently experiencing baby's first sickness. Polly started feeling bad during our camping trip last week and by the time we got her to the doctor on Saturday, it was full blown RSV. We've been doing breathing treatments every four hours since then and she's finally on the ...
A Day in the Life | March 2019
It's been six months since I shared a day in the life post, which means I haven't written one since Polly was born and that makes me sad. I kept thinking I would document our days at home together, but then I didn't. I took plenty of photographs and I diligently wrote in our Promptly Journal, so it's not that they aren't documented, they just aren't documented here. I decided that since I'm getting my life together in all of the other places, I might as well get it together here, too. Monday, March 18, 2019 415 am | Our first nursing session of the day. We're still nursing a few times overnight, because we cannot seem to get back in a normal sleeping routine. I'm not panicking yet, I know it will happen for her eventually. 515 am | She's awake again. This time, I rock her back ...
Six Months With Polly
This post contains affiliate links, meaning any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. six months as of March 5, 2019 I'm a two full weeks late posting Polly's monthly update, but our life has been so full the last few weeks, that I'm struggling to stay on track! I kept her home from school yesterday and today, and despite how crummy she's feeling, Ella managed to make her smile long enough to snap a few photos to celebrate her half birthday. HOW are we half-way to a year already?! These baby days are ticking by faster than we could have imagined and we are doing everything we can to soak her up! Height + Weight: Polly had her six month checkup a few weeks ago and it's always so fun to ...
Currently | March 2019
I know that February is a shorter month, but it felt weeks shorter than January did. It doesn't feel quite like March to be. That sounds so much later in the year?! We have been blessed with some beautiful weather, after countless days of pouring rain, so we're all pretty thankful that Spring is finally making its arrival. I know better than to pack up the boots just yet (we had a chance of snow over the weekend and the biggest snow of my life came in April), but I hope we're getting just a little bit closer to spending our days outside. scheming | I'm pretty sure I talked about Spring Break in last month's installment, but now that it's only a few weeks away, it's at the top of my list. We're only traveling an hour away, for a lakeside camping trip, but the kids are so excited. ...
Book by Book | What I Read in February 2018
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. You guys, I read A BOOK. That's right, a single digit accomplishment that was 728 pages long. It seems funny to be so proud of that after having read as many as six or eight books in a month, for the last several years, but motherhood really kicked me in the pants when it comes to my reading life. I had this idea that I would sit around nursing Polly, with a book and a cup of coffee, and that I would tell you grand stories about the books I was checking off my list and the picture books Polly and I were reading together. Ummm, not so much. I should write you a post about what the average day looks like right now, ...