Just in case you've been wondering, her affection for the french fries hasn't waned. < ...
Wednesday’s Weekly List
Since lists are pretty much my favorite kind of post and I love getting out all of the small, funny things I want to share in one fell swoop, I thought I'd start a (semi) regular blog series of Weekly Lists. Who knows what all they might contain or how frequently they will appear, but I'm going to enjoy them whenever they decide to show up. I know I haven't shared any pictures of our living room since my weekend run to IKEA, but I promise those are still on my radar. I started painting my dining room chairs over the weekend and since I now have an official deadline (more on that later) I'm kicking it into high gear. Sophie's birthday party is in just under a month and I'm not freaking out yet. That is a very good sign, but I'm sure it's short-lived. I have most of the decorations ...
Book Worm
This is Soph's new favorite thing to do. I decided when we moved the bookcases to the dining room that we should leave room on the bottom shelf for a few things for the girls to play with. Most of the board books a few other "baby" storybooks migrated here from Ella's room and they are much loved. I think SD & I clean these books up out of the floor 3+ times a day and she finds herself here again throwing them over her shoulders. Not only does she like throwing books, but she likes looking at them. She pages through her favorites and drags them across the room for you to read. She'll get up on one knee and hold them up in the air and grunt until you read them. Sometimes, she crawls up in your lap. She loves pointing things out and turning the pages. I am so glad we have another ...
Guess Who?
Guess who took her first spin on the boat today? SD has been soaking up his last week of "freedom" before starting his new job on Monday. He's had some time to do things around the house, spent a day with his two best girls and spent quite a bit of time on the water. Ella had been begging to go fishing with him and today was the day. I packed her a sack lunch, she was very particular about her outfit and I had to get her up early and help her get dressed and ready for her big day. You might ask, how did it go? Not very good; the pictures are a bit misleading. Daddy said her major complaints were that the "boat was moving too much", "it might tip over", "we might sink" and "I can't see the shore". My personal favorite story from the day? She needed to potty and wasn't thrilled about ...
Blue Skies and a Birthday Boy
Last Saturday afternoon, we spent some time outside enjoying a gorgeous day with beautiful blue skies. We were celebrating this boy's first birthday. Lake is one month older than Soph, almost to the day. Ryan & I get to enjoy each other's company while our littles play together. It is awfully convenient that our kids are all the same age. It makes you wonder if God knew what he was up to or something?! He wasn't sure what to think about everyone looking at him and singing to him and he wasn't having ANYTHING to do with his birthday cake (although, I hear he dug right in later in the day). That didn't keep him from opening his gifts and playing puzzle with Sophie, though. This little farm puzzle was from us and has nice chunky handles to move the pieces around. These two ...
How About a List?
SD went to the Alabama basketball game tonight, so it was just us girls. We had a quiet night with Chipotle for dinner and Teen Mom is currently paused in the bedroom. I'm about to snuggle in and enjoy. My mom took some pictures of the girls today in these new outfits she made. They are staying with her this week for spring break and it's great because I get to hang out with her in the afternoon AND she makes them tons of clothes. It's a win/win. The outfit on Ella will be in Garan's shop very soon - you can click the button in the sidebar to visit her and purchase some goodies. Sophie is getting to keep hers for the birthday party. Speaking of birthdays, the invitations arrived today and I cannot wait to share them. My plan for the party has evolved a lot over the last few months, ...
Love Letters: Eleven Months
Sophie, How are you eleven months old? How are we on the heels of your very first birthday party? I am up to my ears in party planning materials, invitations, decorations and ideas. Every time I make a decision or a purchase, I ponder at how we got here. You are such a precious little girl and we have spent every moment of the last eleven months soaking you up and loving you as hard as we can. At eleven months, you weigh just over 18 pounds and are 30 inches long. You are still wearing a size 3 diaper and finally started to fill out your 9-12 months clothes. I unpacked bins of Ella's clothes over the weekend and found tons of things she never even wore. You are more than ready for spring and summer weather! You are still drinking about 22 ounces of formula every day, but I have bought ...
In Love
Not a lot going on around here this week. At least not enough interesting to blog about. Instead, enjoy these sweet pictures of our littlest one. Since spring hadn't quite arrived, we found a grassy spot a few feet from the street and snapped away. Can you say adorable? Thanks, K. ...