These two are the reason I get up and walk out the door every morning. Scary faces, toe-biting. and all. When I was younger, all I could think about was being a stay-at-home-mom. Yes, I went to college. Yes, I had plans for my career. Still, my plan all along was to put the career on hold and rock the babies all day long. I never even considered that God had a different plan in mind for me. The circumstances don't really matter, but my husband decided to pursue his own business and that meant I was the reliable job for awhile. I honestly didn't mind. He was following his dream, spending the days outside, working hard with his best friends, and making his way in the world. It was a joy to see him so happy. We didn't have children yet and I worked for a wonderful company at a job that I ...
My Little Artist
Tuesday night Ella's school invited the parents to come for an art show. Each student, grades pre-K through 5th, had a piece of art displayed in the halls of the school. Every grade had a different theme and Ella's class made collages. Her's was called "Fireworks". She is such a worry wart and had talked to me all week about being nervous that she wouldn't win. Fortunately, each student gets an award on their piece and hers was Michelangelo's Award for Artistic Greatness. She was pleased as punch. The older grades did have ribbons for first through sixth place and honorable mention, but luckily Ella's class didn't participate in awards. I'm glad she got to escape the winning/losing battle for one more year. We had such a good time walking the halls of her school together and ...
Project 365: Week Five
Yes, I know this is a day late, but did you know that the Super Bowl was yesterday? Between church, afternoon naps, running, cleaning my house and heading out for a party I never even sat down to the computer! I'm gonna go with a day late is WAY better than never right? Sunday, January 29 (Day 29): We took a family outing to the grocery store. This is part of our new get organized / meal planning / couponing plan. SD got to help pick out groceries AND see how expensive they are and the girls got to ride in the infamous race car buggy. I consider this a win for everybody! Monday, January 30 (Day 30): We celebrated SD's birthday at my parents' house. The birthday boy / girl ALWAYS gets to pick their favorite meal. We had pot roast and snuggled our sweet daddy. (And it would seem ...
the Family Circus
Last Saturday, just like the last weekend of every January, we loaded up and headed downtown for the circus. We are always lucky to get tickets from my in-laws for Christmas and it never disappoints. It's funny to me how we can go the entire year without mentioning it, but as Christmas nears every year Ella asks when it is and if we're going. Since Sophie is almost two (and still free!) we decided to take her along this year. I was certain that she would be entranced because of the animals and would sit completely still. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is WILD. She did enjoy it a lot, especially when the elephants were in the ring, most of the small animal acts or when there was a parade with lots going on. She was less than impressed with the individual acts (trapeze, acrobats, ...
Let’s Chat
You know how it is when I get a bee in my bonnet, right? Once I started thinking about a re-design, I couldn't stop. I had several hours to myself, two nights in a row, and I started playing around with the graphics. Once last night about 10 o'clock, Josh walked through and I was grinning ear to ear. He came around and saw me tweaking some code and called me a geek on his way back to bed! I'm not completely finished -- the font on the family page doesn't translate as well as I thought it would and the photograph of our house in the header is a little rough. I didn't notice until Josh pointed it out, that it was taken pre-metal roof and looks heinous!! Unfortunately, all of the recent photos are in the dead of winter, it's snowing or the bushes are too tall to see the porch. I'll have to ...
January: Recapped
Well, friends, I'm pretty impressed with myself. I cannot believe that I managed to take a single photograph every day of the month. Yes, I realize it isn't that difficult to carry your phone around and take a crappy picture, but since I've been in a blogging/picture taking funk for the last six months I would say this was a monumental task accomplished! I'm really happy with my little calendar for the month. I really wanted the images to be clickable so you could view them full sized, but that is pretty time consuming and I didn't quite get to it. Maybe next month. When I decided to create one for each month of the year I didn't really have an idea in mind for what I would do with them all. Maybe I'll print them for a scrapbook or make a photobook or something. Any ideas? Aside from ...
Project 365: Week Four
This week of Project: 365 was much more "people" driven. I took fewer pictures of places and things and many more pictures of the girls. I managed to get several pictures of Ella this week, which really makes me happy. My calendar for this month is filling up and I can't wait to share it with you on Wednesday. I have loved making a photo calendar and I'm already working on the design for next month's! Sunday, January 22: I'm sure Ella was off watching "big girl shows," but Sophie and I snuggled up on the couch to watch football with daddy. At 21 months, this girl already loves football! Monday, January 23: After baths, I found Sophie on the couch with Ella "reading" Little House in the Big Woods and Farmer Boy. We LOVE reading about Laura Ingalls before bed at night. Tuesday, ...
"Guess who likes brownie mix?" Everyone. Just ask Sophie. ...