So, this month's videos weren't my favorite, but you now how Maycember is. It's a wonder I even took video with all of the school activities we crammed into the month! I don't have a ton of blog posts scheduled while we're at the beach this week and next, but I did try to have a few things ready so you don't miss us too much. You can always follow along on Instagram to see daily snippets of our vacation and we'll be back with recaps in a few more weeks! ...
Nine Months With Polly
Polly turned nine months old last Wednesday and we snuck in a visit to the pediatrician on Thursday morning. I was so worried we would have to wait until after our trip, but we managed to make it work. It is so hard to believe that her next visit will be after she's a year old?! nine months as of June 5, 2019 Height + Weight: Josh and I were placing bets on what we thought she would weigh at this visit. There's been some family debate about whether or not she's bigger than her cousin, Evie (10 months), and SHE IS! Polly weighed 19 lbs, 3 oz and was 27.5 inches long. Clothes: She is still wearing mostly 6-9 or 6-12 months, depending on the style, and a size 3 diaper. This swimsuit is a 6-12 months and it is snug. I'm glad we wore it for a few photos, but I'm not sure it's practical ...
Hello, Friday [June 7, 2019]
Y'all. It's the Friday before vacation, which is equally exciting and terrifying, since my to-do list is so incredibly long. Ella has dress rehearsal today, which means Josh is on baby duty and we'll be rolling in well after dark. There's nothing like repacking your dance bags, doing a load of laundry, and getting up bright and early to do the whole thing over again tomorrow! Our pool had to have some major upgrades this year, so we were a little later to kick off summer than usual. Since the liner and steps and lights (oh my!) were replaced, we've been spending every waking minute outside. Jennifer and Allen brought their kids over for a swim last weekend and it was so fun watching these two together in the pool. We tried to grab some photos of them before the day was over and it ...
Currently | June 2019
We were so ready for summer and are already soaking it up big time. I spent most of Saturday running between the pool and our travel trailer, then on Sunday I read an entire book and got all three girls packed for vacation. Yes, I have to do that a full week in advance, because recital week kicks our butt. picking | Does picking up count? I'm constantly picking up baby toys and smashed avocado from my floors. I'm picking up takeout almost every night this week, because dance recital week is not conducive to meal planning or cooking. We're also picking up (via Amazon) all of the last minute things we need for our trip. going | We are GOING to the beach this weekend and we can't wait. I've spent the better part of the last week organizing our camper and making it baby friendly. ...
On Being Twelve | an Ella Update
Much like Sophie's post last week, here are some of my favorite recent moments and memories with our favorite biggest girl! This has been a hard year for Ella, but man has she thrived. The transition from elementary school to middle school has been pretty seamless -- her grades are still fantastic and she amazes me with her determination and grit. It is different, though, and we are still learning to navigate all of big emotions, tight deadlines, and pure exhaustion. We knew when competition season started that it might be our last one that looks like this. Now that she's getting more involved at school, we're trying to figure out how to balance dance and cheer and a really full social calendar and it's just plain hard. We're still not quite sure what next year will look ...
On Being Nine | a Sophie Update
I'm still behind on blogging, so in an effort to catch up, I'm going to share a post about what my big girls have been up to, before it's time to share Polly's nine month update next week (what in the world?!). Back in April, Sophie's elementary school hosted a Father + Daughter Dance and she was thrilled at the thought of taking her daddy. Obviously, Josh would dance on the moon if they asked him to, but I think he was secretly hoping she wouldn't want to participate in this event - ha! The funniest part is that she thought this was some sort of choreographed, dance on stage situation, and she was very concerned at the lack of practices. Once we explained what a dance actually was, she was even more excited to attend. She did mention that daddy sat at a table and chatted with ...
Hello, Friday [May 24, 2019]
Why does the last week of school seem so long? I can't decide if it's the promise of Memorial Day and a long lazy summer or the monumental to-do list, but either way -- I'm glad it's over! My parents officially opened the pool this week and the kids are so happy. Who am I kidding? I am so happy. We uncovered it a few weeks ago, but it was completely empty and we knew there was a leak that had to be dealt with. We've all be a little panic stricken over whether or not it would be ready to swim before Monday, but all is well in the shallow end these days. There were a few repairs, a new pump, this pretty blue liner, and fresh set of steps. Both of my big girls skipped out on the last day of school in favor of a full day of water fun. I need to share some photographs on the blog or ...
April Little Things
May is almost behind us, so I though I should sneak our April Little Things video in, before it's time to share our moments from this month. I think I told you in another post that April was a beast -- it's usually May that overwhelms me, with all of the end of the year parties and activities, but April was filled to the brim. We were trying to get everything squared away to close on our house, we were finishing up dance competition season, and celebrating a birthday for my favorite nine year old. I didn't catch as much on camera as I wanted to this month, but these are a few of my favorite moments from the month. ...