For Valentine's Day this year, I wanted to make homemade treats for the girls to share at school. There is nothing wrong with store-bought cards and I know that someday, I will have to give in and allow iCarly or Spongebob love notes. Until then, I figure I better take advantage of my littles' lack of concern and make something crafty instead. Since Sophie isn't quite two yet, hers weren't as big of a deal. I printed simple cards on our color printer and had Ella go through and write her name on them. Aside from opening an untold amount of lollipops and stealing the scissors, she wasn't much help. She was, however, awfully cute to look at during the process! The other plus was only having to create nine little treats for her friends! That made this little craft super cute AND super ...
Date Night
Josh and I had been planning a date night for several days. The girls hung out with his parents for several hours and we had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, bought some new books at Books-a-Million and caught a movie... just the two of us. As much fun as we had, the dates that are my favorites are the spontaneous ones. Even if they are simple. Josh wrote me this note before the sermon in church last night. Who would turn down Mexican food with a cute boy? Not me. The girls went home with my parents for dinner and we had a nice quiet meal. Mostly we giggled at the Facebook comments the photo above was getting. Pretty much my favorite part of the evening was when he suggested we go out and run while we didn't have the girls. I'm usually running by myself, so it was fun to ...
Project 365: Week Seven
It's that time again! Here's what we've been up to for the last seven days! Sunday, February 12 (Day 43): If you haven't been reading for long, then you might not know that we have 1 closet in our entire house and it is in Sophie's room. Josh & I keep our clothes in wardrobes in the laundry room and it makes for a VERY interesting closet situation. There are no walk-ins around here. Not only is it messy, but you can see I have clothes hanging on both doors, running shoes/gym bag in the floor, an unopened Zulily order, an old Bama shaker and some expandable files. Really? Monday, February 13 (Day 44): On Monday's lunch break, I spent a little time perusing Pinterest. I decided to search for "blue" and see what I could find. Tuesday, February 14 (Day 45): Tuesday was Valentine's ...
18 things.
1. Have you tried Maybelline's Baby Lips? I am one of those girls who refuses to leave home without something on my lips and have even remarked in the past that lipstick would definitely be one of those necessity items if I'm ever forced to live on a deserted island! The problem is, I hate how thick lipstick feels and lip gloss isn't much better. Baby Lips is pretty much tinted lip balm that feels so smooth on, but gives you just enough color. Peach Kiss is my favorite! And because of the tinted look, they are light enough that Ella can wear them and feel like a big girl without looking like a pageant queen. 2. Speaking of big girls... Sophie called me at work yesterday to tell me that she used the potty! That is twice in one week, friends. I know she's not quite there yet, but I'm so ...
Saturday was freezing. Like 38* with a wind chill of 22* freezing. Cold and windy. It never let up. It was, however, gorgeous. The sky was unbelievably bright and no matter how much we tried to convince them otherwise, these two refused to stay inside. We bundled up in pajamas, sweats, boots, mittens, hats, gloves and pink puffy coats. Sophie fell down a few times and was so puffy that she couldn't stand up on her own. We bounced and ran, played with the dog, went on a walk and climbed into the Magnolia trees. All in the span of 30 minutes. Because it was cold. And these littles were ready to get warm almost as soon as I got their coats buttoned! ...
Valentine's Day was low key at our house this year. That is just the way I like it! The girls wore pretty shirts from Tootlebug's to school -- I loved all of the mismatched pink and polka dots. Yummy. Of course it took about ten tries to get a decent photo of the two of them, only I'm not sure I would even call it decent. At least they are both in the frame and nobody is crying. That's success as far as I'm concerned! Ella made us this pretty Valentine's heart at school. Isn't she doing great with her printing? I love that she throws that extra line in her E -- that's my favorite part. We used it as the centerpiece on our dining room table. We had this yummy chicken & rice for dinner. Score 100 points for putting V-Day dinner in the crock pot before leaving for work. SD ...
my valentine.
1. How long have you and your significant other been together? We've actually been laughing about that recently. It is hard to believe, but this month marks 15 years since our first date. We are awfully close to the year when we can say we've been together longer than we've been apart! 2. How did you meet? I think I've shared this before, but we were actually in the same class in elementary school. Coming from a small town, you pretty much know everyone. It's hard to admit that I don't really remember Josh until my junior year of high-school. Apparently we were both in a 2nd/3rd grade split class, but other than comparing memories, we don't remember much of each other. I was friends with Josh's best friend in high school and the three of us began hanging out together. Our first date was a ...
Project 365: Week Six
I promise not to say this EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK., but I have actually managed to take a photograph a day for the last 42 days. Seriously, it is rare that I stick with anything this long. Not because I'm not dedicated, but because I'm forgetful! I'm just so excited to be able to look back through my 366 photographs that I cannot help but keep up. Sunday, February 5 (Day 36): We watched the Super Bowl at my uncle Heath's house, pigged out on yummy foods and the kids played games at the dining room table. I had many brownies, snuggled with the hubs and yelled at Sophie to get off of the stairs. I hate it, but I completely missed the #febphotoaday because the prompt was 10 a.m. I was sitting in Bible Study and didn't really think it was appropriate to whip out the iPhone and snap ...