Better late than never, right? Sunday, May 27 (Day 147): On Sunday, we had the pleasure of eating dinner with our best friend from high school. His family was in town for the holiday weekend and we had a yummy crawfish boil at his parents' house. The kids swam all afternoon and we stuffed ourselves silly. It just happened to be his oldest daughters' 11th birthday, so we celebrated with these yummy cupcakes. Seriously... the icing was whipped and light and fantastic! Monday, May 28 (Day 148): Monday was Memorial Day and the first official pool day of the year. My entire, insanely loud and crazy family invaded the pool at my parents's house. There was food everywhere and the pool was full of kids all day. My girls were worn out by the time we went home and we all slept great that ...
Insta Holiday
Two days of pool, food, friends & family. I hope yours was just as wonderful! ...
Project 365: Week Twenty One
My goal this week is to get back on a very regular schedule for blogging. I have edited and uploaded countless photographs to flickr and I have managed to post for four consecutive days. Pretty fantastic, right? The only problem is, I'm pretty sure I've run all one hundred of you off. Can you comment and tell me that you survived the drought? I promise to try REALLY hard not to leave you hanging again. Sunday, May 20 (Day 141): I think I've professed my love for Barber's TruMoo chocolate milk enough on the blog, but just in case I want you to know that I CANNOT live without it. In fact, as I was typing this post last night SD was moping around, sad that we were out. Ummm, no. I made a special trip to Walmart and stocked the fridge. I'm drinking it while I blog. And the reason my ...
Two years old and three weeks late
The same day that I took Ella to the dentist, Sophie was scheduled for her two year old check-up. We were only three weeks late! I love our pediatrician, but I always forget how hard it is to get an appointment. I waited until the end of March to schedule it and there were no available appointments near her birthday. I even called back to check on cancellations and the first week of May was the best I could do. You wanna know what else is sad? I have no idea how much she weighed or how long she was! The doctor was kind enough to write it on a purple piece of paper (for this scatter-brained momma) and although I remember seeing the paper sometime on Thursday, I cannot for the life of me remember where that was. Sigh. For the record, she was still in the 25th percentile for weight and the ...
A Tooth, the Fairy & the Dentist
When last we left off (over a month ago - yikes!) Ella had a tooth that was dangling by the root. I swear, Josh & I had been convinced for weeks that it was going to fall out, but it hung on. It was laying on it's side and we had begged Ella to let us pull it, but she wouldn't even consider it. Every night after dinner, she wiggled it for show and we talked about pulling it. Every night she would go to bed with that tooth hanging on for dear life. One day, I told her that she had a dentist appointment in the next week and that if it wasn't out by then that I would let the dentist pull it. Her eyes got really wide, but we didn't really make any progress. On a Thursday night, she went with her daddy to her cousin Molly's house and about 30 minutes after they left, I got a picture of her ...
Project 365: Week Twenty
Are you impressed that my weekly recap post is actually posted on a Sunday morning? And I didn't even schedule it to post, I just managed to get my family ready for church early and I finally got a second to sit down. I've even managed to listen to the same Justin Bieber song on repeat for the last hour and I haven't committed a crime yet. That's impressive. Sunday, May 13 (Day 134): My Mother's Day was so wonderful last week. I didn't take enough photos to justify an entire post, so this late afternoon one will just have to do. For the record, I got wonderful crafts and a gift certificate to Anthropologie. I had breakfast with my mom, visited my mother-in-law in the evening and managed to squeeze a glorious nap in between. Monday, May 14 (Day 135): On Monday, Josh & I started a ...
Project 365: Week Nineteen
Week nineteen was LOTS of fun. Sunday, May 6 (Day 127): I know this makes me quite the child, but taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon is seriously one of the things I most look forward to each week. Both girls are exhausted from the week and usually go down without a fight. We can almost bank on three hours of uninterrupted time! Yes, I realize how lucky we are. I think Josh & I even squeezed a nap in on this day. Monday, May 7 (Day 128): Late Monday night, we decided to watch a little television. Isn't he pretty? And if I'm being honest, he's pretty inspiring, too. If it weren't from him, I'd be on a ledge half of my laugh and stressed out constantly. Thank God, he is even-tempered and slow to anger. He definitely mellows me out! Tuesday, May 8 (Day 129): I heart peanut ...
A Bunny Birthday
So, about that party... We were lucky enough that Sophie's birthday fell on a Saturday this year and even luckier that it was only a week after Easter. I decided that with all of the bunny goods on the market in the weeks leading up to her party, that an Easter-themed soiree was definitely the way to go. Then, after the she had such a great time hunting eggs on Easter morning, it was confirmed I had made the right decision! First up were invitations. I had them printed on linen paper and bought grey linen envelopes from a local paper supply shop. I originally wanted a pencil drawing of a bunny, but I just didn't have time to do one myself. Instead, I used a stock image of a bunny and filtered it in Photoshop to give it the look I wanted. They were so sweet and just what I was looking ...