127/365: I was pleased to finally find a recipe for a protein shake that didn't make me want to gag. Try one scoop of chocolate Shakeology, a small banana, 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and 8 ounces of unsweetened almond milk. Yummy! 128/365: On Tuesday, I raced to the bookstore at lunch to pick up the final installment of the Sookie Stackhouse series. I was more than disappointed. I don't love who she ends up with and overall, I just thought the book was boring. The series is great and I'd still like to re-read it, I just wish she went out with a bang! Any thoughts on that? 129/365: Ella has been begging for weeks to get her ears pierced and we finally did it while we were at the pediatrician's office for SK's 3 year checkup. She teared up a little, but was super brave and ...
Finish This Sentence
Today, we're playing a game of finish this sentence. Unlike my sibling: my house doesn't look like a magazine cover (hers is BEAUTIFUL, by the way, and I'm not at all jealous. Okay, maybe a little). There is a lot of dust and dog hair in the corners, probably at least 9 loads of laundry to be folded, yesterday's dinner might still be on the stove and there is probably a sippy cup somewhere with curdled milk. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way it is. My best friend says: that we should have a slumber party. We haven't done that since high-school and I think we should do it. Is it weird for grown women to abandon their family for the night in favor of cream cheese icing and late night giggles? I think we should rent a hotel room, have a Twilight marathon and eat ourselves ...
Ramble On
Life has been a little overwhelming lately. We've had so much going on and I have barely spoken to my husband in over a week and I haven't spent any quality time with the girls. I thought maybe I'd just ramble on today about everything that going on at the rock house. Last week Josh worked in Iowa all week and that left the three of us girls on our own. He was supposed to fly out on Sunday afternoon, but his flight was delayed and he was going to miss his connection. He came home from the airport and spent some more time with us before attempting to fly out again on Monday morning. The same thing happened on Monday, so he spent four hours in Atlanta before another connection was available. After a somewhat uneventful week, he tried flying home on Friday night, but his flight was delayed ...
A Very Merry UnBirthday!
Now that I've had a chance to recover from the unpredictability of the day, looking back on Sophie's birthday is such a treasure. She is the happiest child and there wasn't anything that could have ruined the celebration for her. She was so excited for all of her friends to be in one place and she was truly enthralled by every little detail of the day. I know you won't be surprised when I tell you I didn't take any photographs that day. Having a talented sister is a dream come true. You haven't enjoyed a birthday party until you weren't forced to lug around your camera all day and stress over whether you missed any precious moments. Fortunately for me, I was able to enjoy the day with my family, knowing that she didn't miss a thing. The party invitations were sort of a last minute ...
Dailies / Week 18
120/365: This the Monday I started my fitness challenge. Josh was in Iowa, so I sent him a sweaty text after I finished the first Insanity workout. I was ready for bed immediately after. 121/365: On Tuesday, I had my favorite salad for lunch and that afternoon the weather was so nice that I let the girls play outside with our neighbors until dark. This is Carson Riley and he is SK's best friend. She calls him by his first and middle name and it is adorable. 122/365: I bought a blender cup to mix my shakes in the mornings, but Wednesday was the only day I used it. Josh has stolen it for his protein shakes, but I have to fix mine in the blender now so that I can add PB and a banana. 123/365: I couldn't resist this photo when I realized I was sporting two Bama Championship cups - one for ...
Our Favorite Chicken Salad
I know I promised this recipe yesterday, but Wednesday kind of kicked me in the rump. Work was insane, I didn't get much of a lunch break, I had to pick up E from dance for Josh, missed Bible Study and never sat down until I fell into bed at 10 o'clock last night. I had planned to be so productive yesterday, but everything I touched turned to mush. If you'll remember, last week Josh said I made the best chicken "known to man". It's an adaptation of a recipe given to me by a friend, but we've been tweaking it for some time and finally have a go-to formula. I think I even blogged about it in the past, but it wasn't as good them as it is now. First up, dry ingredients. I cook four large boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the crockpot overnight or while I'm at work. They will be tender ...
Dailies / Week 17
113/365: This is how I found the girls in their bed on Monday morning. I went in their room to grab something before work and they were all snuggled up together in the middle of their bed. I seriously LOVE my girls sharing a room. Later that day, Ella lost her third tooth! This is the first time she's been left with a gap, though (her bottom teeth were completely in already when the baby teeth fell out), and I think it's adorable. I also had my sixth hot yoga class on Monday night and the instructor snapped the photo of my camel pose. I had to miss class this week, but I am really enjoying it! 114/365: On Tuesday, I managed to fit a quick run in on my lunch break. I'm working on my 5k time and trying to shave it down to 25:30 before my race in late June. This was a personal record for ...
The Mommy Wars
I am long overdue for posting pictures of our Easter. But, as I was uploading the photographs earlier this week, all I could think about was how our Easter baskets would be perceived by perfect strangers. Did we do enough? Did we do too much? How sad that those are the thoughts that ran through my head. I've been thinking a lot lately about the wars we wage on each other. In fact, I almost blogged about it several months ago, but convinced myself not to rock the boat. Sometimes when I'm laying in bed at night scrolling through social media sites, I have to shake my head when I see what we say about each other. Why are we, as mommies, so mean? I'm not pointing the finger, I'm guilty of it myself. We are constantly comparing ourselves and when we feel like we don't measure up, we turn on ...