This is my second full week back at work since the holidays / the great flu of 2014 and I am feeling it! Not only am I thrilled that it's Friday and time to enjoy the weekend, but I am loving that we have Monday at home, too. I have crazy big plans for the long weekend... like cleaning house and packing up the remainder of our Christmas decor, but I'm hoping we can squeeze in a movie date with the girls and a few new recipes that I want to try. What's on tap for your weekend?I'm linking up with Darci today for 5 on Friday, so here's what's on my mind! ONE // I had such a fun little graphic design project to work on this week. It's a super-hero birthday party for a five year old boy and it turned out adorable. The mom was super creative and pieced together a bunch of different design ...
Am I the only one a little overwhelmed with the aftermath of Christmas? January is such a hard month for me. Even after six weeks of non-stop Christmas preparation and decorations, I'm not ready to see it go. Our stockings are still hung and the tree is wilting in its stand, but I still can't seem to put the ornaments away. I'm torn between clinging to the holiday season and looking forward to a fresh start in a brand new year. For days after Christmas our house was in flux. Gifts were still piled up in every corner, our trash cans stuffed to the brim with crumpled up wrapping paper and endless amounts of ribbon. The coffee table was shoved up against the bookcase, where we moved it before Santa delivered his loot. Cardboard boxes loaded with baby doll clothes were stacked three high ...
Remember Christmas?
{Alternately titled: the one with 46 photographs and ALL the parentheses} On Christmas Eve, our elf was tucked under the Christmas tree with a few brightly wrapped packages and a letter to the girls. We read the note {a quick one about the real reason for the season and the big news that they could touch him briefly before bedtime} that morning, but decided to save the gifts for later in the afternoon. We celebrated with Josh's parents for lunch {and I managed to take exactly zero photographs because we were playing so hard}, but were home by 2 o'clock with a few hours to burn. We played Operation at the dining room table and I let the girls open the gifts from Scout. What transpired afterwards caused me to have a major meltdown {complete with mommy tears and stomping feet}. Can you say ...
Insta-Holiday Recap
Christmas is over. Not that you would know that by visiting our house. I vowed every day last week to take down the tree and anything overtly Christmas-y, but it never happened. Yesterday, I went so far as to bring in a few plastic totes to pack the ornaments away, but I mostly just glared at them while I read a book, ate homemade potato soup and listened to Josh watch football. This Christmas break wasn't anything like I expected and it isn't helping me get the new year off to a great start. I'm a few days behind my self-imposed schedule, but determined to turn this thing around by mid-January. Here is a snapshot of what the last few weeks have looked like around the rock house. The Saturday before Christmas, we celebrated with Josh's extended family. We don't exchange gifts, but the ...
2013 in Pictures
It's been an entire week since I posted here. And almost two since I actually said something more than Merry Christmas. I had grand plans of blogging throughout the week, reorganizing my house, spending our days doing fun things with my girls and really embracing the twelve uninterrupted days we were able to spend together. Our Christmas was wonderful as usual and we did get some re-organization done. And if you count the Subway counter at Walmart and a quick breakfast at IHOP as "fun", then I guess we did those things, too. Mostly the last week has consisted of me lying in bed (or on the couch or the floor or in front of my mother's fireplace), taking multiple prescriptions, watching Breaking Bad and trying to entertain my children while battling the flu. I've felt well enough to get out ...
merry christmas
Merry Christmas from the little princess family. We hope your day is blessed beyond belief. ...
5 on Friday | Week 50
HOW is it that Christmas is a mere 5 days away?! I'm ready and prepared, but I just feel like the holiday season really snuck up on me this year! Today is my last day of work for 2013 and I'm looking forward to twelve uninterrupted days of quality time with my people. Bring on the festivities!Josh & I don't normally exchange gifts for Christmas. We're those boring people that buy things that we need or want throughout the year and I almost always have a hard time even deciding what it is I want when the holiday rolls around. We don't buy many gifts, in general, outside of the girls and other small children in our family, but for some reason I really wanted to exchange gifts this year. Maybe it's because I found a few things I knew Josh would really enjoy. But it could be that I ...
Snowman on a Stick!
When I asked Ella earlier in the week what she wanted to carry to her dance party to share with her friends, she said this. Considering I needed us to make treats a few days ahead of time, that wasn't going to work. We decided instead to make these, but I had a major Pinterest fail. I'm not sure why, but I can NOT seem to dip anything into candy melts without it falling apart. So after I stuck lollipop sticks into two cartons of Oreo's, we bailed on that project and tried something else altogether. Ella suggested making marshmallow snowmen (and of course, a quick search on Pinterest found me plenty to choose from). Fortunately we had everything we needed to make them, so we got to work after school on Tuesday. Ella pushed the marshmallows onto fresh lollipop sticks, while I worked on ...