Alternately titled: The post 89% of my readers won't care about, but I share it anyway because it's my blog. For Josh's birthday, way back in January, I bought him tickets to see Houndmouth in concert and got us a room to stay in Atlanta overnight. The kids spent the night with his parents on Friday night, so we got to sleep late on Saturday morning and be lazy around the house for a few hours before we left. My plan had been to eat somewhere fun once we got into town, but we were later leaving and were starving, so we stopped for lunch on the way. We got to our hotel just in time for check-in and had a few hours to ourselves before we had to get ready, so more laziness (and a few episodes of Game of Thrones) ensued. And true to form, we can't seem to ever go on a trip together ...
Speak Up March: to tell you the TRUTH
It's time for the Speak Up Link Up again today (by sure to visit Amber and Annie) and I'm a little behind. It isn't that I haven't been thinking about how this would go, I just wasn't prepared for March to show up so quickly! For whatever reason, I've been thinking that the vlog would go live AFTER my trip this weekend and I had plans for Josh to help me film a video en route. Instead, I found myself vlogging from the car again on my way into work this morning. Several years ago, I wrote a post called "to tell you the truth" and then revisited it again a couple of years later. It's kind of a silly idea, to be brutally honest and share some random facts about things going on in your life, but I kind of loved it and both posts got a great response. I thought since the topic this month was ...
February by the Numbers
It might be a day late and a dollar short, but here is our Infographic Recap for the month of February!! I'm still loving this method of recapping the month, but gee whiz I've got to come up with a better method for keeping up with fun facts. Josh is not a fan of the infographic pillow talk on the last night of the month (wink wink). The craziest things I noted in the month of February were related to the weather and to social media. We spent a crazy number of days stalking James Spann to see WHAT in the world was going on. I think this is the most days in one month we've been delayed since Ella was in school and we were VERY disappointed that our one snow day saw zero snow. In the span of a single week we saw weather in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. How is that for Alabama ...
5 on Friday: All the Things
It's Friday and I could not be more thrilled about the weekend! Despite the fact that we were out of school and work one day and delayed several other days, the last few weeks have seemed to crawl on by. I'm ready for some sunshine time with my family, but in the meantime we're making our own sunshine as often as we can. I somehow let the week go by with only one blog post (despite a full editorial calendar), so I figured the best way to make up for that was a little 5 on Friday action. Don't run, okay? ONE: We are still going strong with our Bible Journaling over here. I've had a lot of great feedback and made some wonderful new connections, but I can't help but notice it might have run a few Instagram followers off. Are you enjoying these posts? Is every day too much? Do we need to tone ...
Flashback Five on Friday
Once upon a time I had a hard-drive. On it was my entire life. All of my graphic design work, every photograph from the girls life and countless home movies. Yes, I had much of the content uploaded and preserved on the blog, but there was still plenty that only existed in that one place. A little over a year ago, I plugged the hard-drive into my computer and the light didn't come on. Once day it worked and the next day it didn't. For months, I didn't do anything about it. I secretly dreaded hearing a computer guru tell me that all of those moments were lost. I felt like I was putting off the inevitable. In the meantime, I worked to build up my design work again and recreated so much work for new clients. A few weeks ago, I buckled and asked our IT guy at work to take a look at it and tell ...
Bible Journaling | My Workspace
It's been almost two weeks since I vlogged about Bible Journaling and how it revolutionized my daily devotion time. In that time, I've made so many new virtual friends and found even more favorites to follow. I have been so inspired by the daily artwork shared and I've learned so much about how other artists spend their quiet time with God. I'm learning that something I used to find fault with is a shared problem among creatives and that I'm not the only one to struggle with being still and quiet. I'm relatively new to Bible Journaling, but I've jumped right in with two feet. I saw a friend post a photo of her journaling Bible back in the fall and since I knew I wanted a new Bible for this year, I ordered one. In the beginning I was just journaling in the margins, but it didn't take ...
Miscellany Monday
Do you know why I'm so late posting this today? Because it's Monday. It is. It has felt like a Monday all day long. I think I'm a little bit bitter because up until late yesterday afternoon we were forecasted to have some significant ice and I was looking forward to spending President's Day at home in my pajamas. The girls were out of school today, so it pretty much stinks that I was creeping out the door while everyone was still tucked in and snug. Instead of focusing too much on the Mondays, let's look at a few fun snapshots of our Valentine's weekend. Friday was the day of Valentine's Day parties and exchanging of sweet little tokens with our friends. I shared our cards a few weeks ago, but if you missed it, this is what we made for our school friends. Sophie woke up on the wrong ...
Weekend Reflections
Do you ever have those days when you are sure you're doing everything wrong as a parent? Some days are just harder than others and no matter how many smiles are in the room and how many well-lit photographs you've taken, there is a heaviness that you can't seem to shake. Before Ella was born, I didn't ever experience fear when it came to parenting. I never worried that she wouldn't be healthy and whole. I didn't consider hard questions and dramatic personalities and conflict. I dreamed of sunshine and unicorns and romanticized how lovely it would be to have my very own doll baby. Talk about reality check. By all accounts we had easy babies. We skipped tubes and colic, they both slept through the night at five weeks old, they were early walkers and talkers and we didn't have to navigate ...