We did Easter a little different this year and it might be one of my favorites ever! In case you aren't aware of this, you can absolutely get in touch with the bunny and make special requests. Since we were going to be at the beach until the evening before Easter (and now we go to a church with an earlier service), I was worried about being rushed to get through baskets and still get to church on-time (and with a smile on our face). The bunny was more than happy to show up a few days early and leave baskets for the girls while we were at the beach! Since I'm sure you are dying to know, here is the breakdown on what each girl got. Sophie: Frozen metal lunchbox, Frozen tumbler, Frozen panties, Bible purse sticker book, art supplies, bubbles, jump rope, swimsuit & candy. Ella: Bible ...
Dear Tazzie,
How are you already five years old?! Right now, at this moment, you are FIVE years old. Five years ago today, your daddy and I got up while it was still dark. I started the dishwasher, changed everybody's sheets and we ran through the drive-thru at the bank. We checked into the hospital and they put us in a room full of other mothers to wait. I remember thinking after they started my epidural that I wasn't going to feel you move in my belly anymore. I was so sad that I didn't savor that last kick just a little longer. They wheeled us into the operating room at 7 o'clock in the morning and your daddy and I were grinning from ear to ear. Your sister was just down the hall, in a room full of people who couldn't wait to meet you. True to your character, you were awfully stubborn that first ...
Where We Went
We were never those people that did Spring Break. We always worked and the girls stayed with my mom and did fun things around her house. Until last year. Now that Josh is helping out with the high-school baseball team, he gets to travel for their spring tournament and the girls and I get to tag along. We missed all of the games last year, but I decided to take the RV down for the entire week this year and I am so glad that I did. In an effort not to blow all of our vacation days three months into the year, Josh and I took turns working and hanging out with the girls and it was the perfect combination. The only downside to our stay was that Josh stayed with the team for most of the week and we didn't get to see him nearly as much as we would like. But it was still crazy fun. Because, ...
March by the Numbers
When I last left you, I assumed I would be home last Monday and Tuesday while my family was at the beach. I had tons of work to do and just couldn't figure out how to take off the entire week. I anticipated getting blog posts scheduled, design work caught up and a vlog filmed for last Friday. Instead, my bosses encouraged me to take some work with me and not spend so much time driving back and forth. I'm guessing you know that I jumped on that offer and the blog was a little neglected because of it. Hopefully, I'll have an extra post (or two) to make up for it and we'll all have to be okay with March's recap being a few days late! March was busy, but so much fun! We added three road trips to our calendar: Atlanta, Chattanooga and Gulf Shores (to be blogged this week!). We got all sorts ...
Early in the day yesterday, I looked at my blog calendar to see what was on tap. I somehow managed to skip Wednesday's post and I had a "flashback Friday" lined up for today. Something about that didn't feel quite right. Later in the afternoon, I had a spare minute and decided to grab a quick moment in the Word. My process for daily devotion is different every day. Sometimes I get up early in the morning and have an hour of journaling time before work. Some days, I bring my Bible and a small bag of supplies to work and I fit it into my lunch hour or an afternoon break. Other times, it is squeezed in between dinner and bath time, just in time for bed. The method is different sometimes, too. I fluctuate between She Reads Truth and Jesus Calling, with a few random devotions in between. ...
Chattanooga Bound
The first competition of the year is always the hardest, but this year it was also an enormous amount of fun. The girls were dancing in Chattanooga and since Josh had a doubleheader on Saturday, my mom decided to ride with us so that I could take Sophie. The thought of managing her backstage while I worked to get Ella ready was a little more than terrifying. We left on Saturday morning and made the three hour drive, arriving just before lunch. We had time to get checked in and walk to lunch at Panera (three cheers from my girls and a bear claw for mama) before we had to get dressed. The girls have to wear their hair in a sock-bun for both dances this year, which means Ella's bun is crazy out of control. Not only is it almost down to her waist, but it's crazy thick and wavy and it isn't ...
My FAVORITE Bible Journaling Supplies
This post was updated in October of 2016. Affiliate links appear in the following post. Although shopping the embedded links won’t cost you any additional dollars, it might mean that I can purchase a few extra art supplies this month. Your support of my journaling habit is always appreciated! Some of the most asked questions on my Bible Journaling posts are "Where did you get your Bible?", "What supplies are you using?" and "How did you make it look like that!?" I've been working on a supply list for some time, but I decided the best possible way to share these things with you was with yet ANOTHER vlog. Aren't you excited? I'm sharing my favorite pens, pencils, markers and other supplies in the video, along with how I use them most. If you aren't into torturing yourself (for SEVENTEEN ...
Letters from Ella
Can we talk about how cute notes and letters from your children are? I love when Sophie asks me to transcribe something for her, because there is always a laugh to be found. Since Ella is old enough to write on her own, reading her words is always a great surprise. I know I've shared some of these on Instagram earlier in the year, but as a part of her writing time in class (she's in second grade), Ella has been writing letters to her family. I look forward to the day when her spiral bound notebook comes home in her backpack each week, even when the letters aren't meant for me. I asked her if it was okay for me to share these here. Eight year olds are funny like that -- they are either super embarrassed by their efforts or they want to share the most inappropriate of stories (I'm saving a ...