If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you that I'm loving Blogtember so much. I had already gotten myself back in the habit of a very regular posting schedule last month, but the challenge of sharing for thirty consecutive days has helped me make it an even greater priority. It has sparked a few posts that I might not have thought to share otherwise, has introduced me to several new favorite blogs, and helped to solidify my love for post scheduling. My editorial calendar is quite rounded out through mid-October and I've kept to my commitment of no midnight posting for the following day. Thank goodness for new habits. If we were on a coffee date, I'd be gushing about Downton Abbey. In full disclosure, I've just managed to watch 52 episodes in just under three weeks (I'll let you do the ...
A Birthday Letter
Dear Ella, In just a few days, you're going to be ten years old. Double digits. That's big time, Ella. How did it even happen? Your daddy and I talk all the time about how life is blazing by without any care for what we think. I swear we were just bringing you home from the hospital a few weeks ago. Your daddy and I prayed for you for so long. I know that other mommies wait longer and pray harder and we certainly didn't have it the worst, but we really wanted to be parents and we thought that day might not ever arrive. We had been waiting for almost eighteen months when I woke up feeling different. Your daddy was out of town, so I didn't tell him right away, but I raced to the doctor's office on my lunch break to confirm. Usually, it would have taken a few days to get the results back, ...
Blogtember | Ella’s Room & DIY Book Nook
It's purely coincidental that today's prompt is to share a room tour and we've been working on updating Ella's bedroom over the summer. The updates have been subtle since we're hoping to move soon and I didn't want to spend money on anything we couldn't use in the new house. The plan was to eliminate the playroom (at the girls' request) and separate them before school started. After a few really promising showings and positive vibes from our real estate agent, we put a halt on the separation, but that was after we had given what would be Ella's room a mini update. We've decided to keep the girls in the same room for now, so they are enjoying a few small updates together, along with a super cute DIY Book Nook! Because I can't resist a little flashback action, here is a room tour I ...
What Ella Read | Part 1
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. A few days ago, Ella asked me if I would help her start a blog. Of course, I think she's adorable and that a blog written by a ten year old girl would be super fun, but I asked some questions about exactly what she wanted to share. I asked her to brainstorm a list of post ideas and promised we would talk about it. For now, she's going to be sharing periodic posts about what she's reading. I've actually had lots of questions about how we read with the girls and what their favorite kinds of books are, so I thought this might be a fun feature to share with you. She'll be participating in a reading challenge ...
Birthday Flashback: Cowgirl Cookout
It's that time again -- we're only two weeks ago from Ella's tenth birthday and I'm sharing a few of my favorite parties from the past. For her sixth birthday, she requested a cowgirl themed cookout and boy did we deliver! Like many previous years, we celebrated at my parents' house, because they have a fabulous backyard where we regularly have a "campfire" in the fall. Ella told us she didn't want to help decorate or see anything ahead of time, so this party started the tradition of a party decor surprise. I always make other arrangements for the girls on party day and we do the entire set up outside of their presence. Seeing them look at everything and get excited in the moments before their guests arrive is one of my favorite things ever! I painted this chalkboard to welcome our ...
Collaboreads | And the Mountains Echoed
I was so excited when I heard Amber and Rachel were resurrecting the Collaboreads link up this month! You all know I love to read and sharing my monthly posts is one of my favorite things to do, but joining other readers in a monthly link up? Sold. I highly recommend hopping over to visit each of them tomorrow. I had to post a day early since tomorrow is Wardrobe Wesnesday! This month's book criteria was to read a book by an author of a different race or ethnicity than your own. I mentioned last month that reading books my african american authors was something I wanted to pay more attention to, so I considered choosing something from that list, BUT this book has been on my shelf for three years and I've started it twice, but never finished. I ...
DIY Superhero Birthday Party
As much as I love being a mama to my girls, I know that many of you probably have little men in your life and hate never seeing any party content that you can actually use as inspiration. My sister always has the greatest ideas for Hudson's party and since I collaborated with her on paper products this year, I asked if I could share a few images from his party, here on the blog. Hudson is all boy and therefore, superhero obsessed. He has "saved the day" all summer long and has loved telling me all about his superhero party. I loved seeing how much he loved the paper products (even at three) -- it is always more fun to create for little people when they love what you are making for them! My sister hosted the party at my parents' house and we prayed for days that the rain would hold off. ...
Five on Friday 008
You. Guys. We made it to another Friday, who are we even?! This week has been such a good one. We've been busy, but I've accomplished so much and finally feel like I'm in charge of August. Wouldn't you know it's already halfway over. 001 | Stranger Things Please tell me you have watched, are watching or plan to watch Stranger Things. Please. In case you've been living under a rock for the last six weeks or so, Netflix unveiled a new original series over the summer and pretty much everyone I know is in love with it. Josh and I had just finished up Parenthood and had no big plans to start a new series right away, but with only eight episodes, it seemed doable over the course of a few days. I'll admit, it was a huge mistake to start it before he left to install that job a few weeks ago, ...