Josh says the first time he remembers seeing me, I was standing against the wall in the lunchroom. I was wearing a v-neck men's undershirt, a red plaid skirt, tube socks, and combat boots. Nothing about his description surprises me -- it was one of my favorite outfits. An outfit my mom later forbid me to wear on our first date! That three way call was the first of many. I spent hours every night talking to both boys when I should have been sleeping. Several weeks later, right before Christmas, the boys came by the house bearing gifts -- a few new fish for my tank, an incense burner, and a candle from Spencer's (does anybody remember that store?!). I recall that when they came upstairs to my room for the first time, Josh couldn't believe how girly it was. Sunny yellow with floral ...
The Monthly Report | February
My plan for today was to share the (very) few outfit snaps that I managed during the month of January and invite you to link up. You know what they say about plans, though, right? I just couldn't get that post drafted last night and we were celebrating Josh's birthday, packing last minute items and throwing one last load of laundry in the wash. Let's just flip flop our entire editorial calendar and take a look at our Monthly Report instead. Cool? Wardrobe Wednesday Thursday will be here bright and early tomorrow. Pinky swear! packing | This prompt seems too easy given our current status. How about we call this one packed instead? The girls got carry on luggage from Santa and we liked it so much that we asked him to send a few for the grownups in January. We were hoping to use ...
Happy Birthday
Because I know how much you love public declarations (and displays) of affection. Happiest of birthdays to you. 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2009 ...
Uncommonly Good Gifts for Valentine’s Day
The following post is sponsored by Uncommon Goods. Some affiliate links are contained within, all content and opinions are my own. I first introduced you to Uncommon Goods back in December when I was sharing gift ideas. They are one of my favorite resources for quirky gift ideas and since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I thought you might need help sorting through all they have to offer! Not familiar with Uncommon Goods? They are the coolest internet retailer of upcycled, handmade, and unique items. You will have no trouble at all finding something you love. More than half of their items are made by hand and almost all of them are made here in the USA. I love that they are a B. Corporation, meaning they must meet rigorous standards when it comes to employment, wages, ...
Local Fun | High Point Climb
We had such a busy weekend, but it was filled with so much fun. We were all worn out from the circus on Saturday morning, but that didn't keep the girls from spending the night with Nana and staying up way too late. In the event of Saturday evening slumber parties, we usually pick the girls up bright and early to get ready for church, but Josh and I were equally exhausted. We ate leftover breakfast casserole, watched way too much football, and I worked on prepping the blog for our trip next month. The girls came home mid-afternoon and we furiously tried to get ready for a birthday party later in the day. This is the part when I tell you it was raining cats and dogs, the wind was blowing crazy hard, and I had no desire to brave that weather (and a 40 minute drive) for a birthday party. Boy ...
Our Love Story | The Very Beginning
The first time I shared our story was way back in 2014. I'm not sure anybody was even reading then and I left out a few of my favorite parts. I stumbled across these old posts when I was updating the blog last year and I knew immediately that I wanted to share them again. Since we're approaching Valentine's Day (how cliche), I figured now was the perfect time. I've updated the story and added some of my favorite photographs and will be sharing a post every week until we're all caught up. The first time I shared these posts, I stopped with the wedding, but we've been married fifteen years now and our story isn't over yet. I know I've shared bits and pieces of how I wound up married to my husband, but I don't think I've ever told you how it all began. We were laying in bed one night ...
Collaboreads | The Nightingale
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Do you want to know how excited I am to co-host the first Collaboreads of the new year?! Amber and Rachel started this virtual book club way back in May of 2015 and it's been one of my favorite places to link up ever since. This book lover's link-up isn't restrictive, and joins great books with even better bloggers, and creates a wonderful space for conversation. I love that the prompts are open ended, meaning you can be as literal or as figurative as you'd like. We'll pick the theme, you'll pick the book, and then we'll all link up at the end of the month. Sounds fun, right? This month's ...
Out of This World
I offered a bit of a disclaimer in my circus recap post from last year and I'm just going to go ahead and leave another one here today. I know that the circus has always been controversial, no more so than in the last year. I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of circus animals, even as I found myself enjoying the show. Sometimes as a parent we find ourselves in precarious and uncomfortable situations and this is definitely one of those for me. I have loved the memories we've made over the last eleven years as circus attendees, but we've also had plenty of conversations with the girls about the care of animals. They were both disappointed when the elephants were pulled, but I was simultaneously relieved. We found that the circus was just as much fun this year (it was actually my ...