Dear Virtual Friends, I’m so excited that you’re back here again this month. I hope that we can grow this little linkup together and learn all sorts of fun things about each other as we go. Dear New Visitors, This is our favorite new linkup. The second Friday of every month, we’ll be sharing Little Letters together on our blogs. Write a series of letters to anyone or anything you’d like and come back here to link up. Don’t forget to share with your friends. This is one of those times where “the more, the merrier” definitely applies! Dear Wordpress, Why are you fighting me on everything this morning? I got up super early (after way too little sleep) to publish this post and you would not cooperate. Dear Camper Makeover, You are literally my favorite project of all time. I'm ...
Our Love Story | The Ring
When last we left off I had a wedding dress, a date circled on the calendar, and a pretty spectacular boyfriend. I didn't mention it before, but I had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted my wedding dress to look like for months. I had two advertisements torn out of bridal magazines that I carried with me to the bridal shops and I didn't buy anything that looked remotely like either one of them. <Side note: This was all before blogs and Pinterest and I literally had a three ring binder full of tear sheets that I carried around for months. How adorable is that?!> I ended up going back to the very first dress I ever tried on and I couldn't have been happier with it -- how it fit, the style, the details -- everything was perfect. It required no real alterations, so once it was ...
Travel Diary | USS Midway & San Clemente
You can catch up with the first and second days of our California trip, but keep reading for details on the U.S.S. Midway and our drive up the coast of Southern California. Things to Do: U.S.S. Midway Museum - This was honestly one of our favorite stops of the week. There is so much to do and the kids were far more engaged than I expected. There is a super nice portable potty outside the museum (think Bryant Denny quad potty nice), so go there first. I also wouldn't recommend buying tickets ahead of time. That line you see in the photo below is for the people already holding tickets. We had to buy them when we arrived and were ushered immediately inside, with no wait time at all. For little kids, I highly recommend the Junior Pilots' Program! When Josh first suggested that ...
What I Read in February
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I had so many good books in my stack this month, but I still managed to download an audiobook after discovering a novel written way back when I was in elementary school. I don't remember ever hearing anything about it before a few weeks ago, so it was fun to read something without any preconceived notions. Our travels earlier this month helped beef up my total number of books this month, as well as plenty of time running after we returned. I'm trying to get into listening to books while I exercise instead of listening to music, since it makes me feel so much more productive! I still love how ...
The Monthly Report | March
Let's skip right over the how is it March already? conversation and just dig right in, okay? This week has been rough. I've been tasked with a huge project at work and then have another pressing matter on my calendar for next week. I'm trying to squeeze two full time jobs into a single week and not lose every single brain cell I have left. I've been feeling overwhelmed and under-rested and can't wait for the weekend. Oh, wait... I'm working. Whomp whomp. watching | We have been on a serious movie kick here lately and have even convinced my parents to join us for a few late nights. Let's not discuss how we are able to view these movies in the comfort of our own home, okay? I loved Passengers so much -- fun and quirky and science-y all at the same time. The Accountant is SO smart and ...
Collaboreads | The Handmaid’s Tale
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Yesterday's post might have been really, really late, but Collaboreads is always on time! I'm so excited to join Rachel for our second Collaboreads link up for 2017. We had such a great turn out last month and I had so many people tell me that they couldn't wait to join us for the next round Well, the next round is here and I have such a great book to share with you today! This book lover’s link-up isn’t restrictive, joins great books with even better bloggers, and creates a wonderful space for conversation. I love that the prompts are open ended, meaning you can be as literal or as figurative as ...
Weekend Update | Camper Edition
I had big plans to share a Weekend Update post this morning, but I never could get it together. Like most of America, I stayed up way too late watching the Oscar's last night and then even later scrolling through Twitter and reading the fallout from envelope-gate. Today was the worst day at work I've had in awhile and my kids were raging lunatics by the time I got home (let's face it: I was the real lunatic). So here we are with an evening post and almost no pictures from the actual weekend. We spent Saturday at IKEA with my family and while we took plenty of random selfies and photos of naps on IKEA mattresses, I didn't take a single photo for todays post. What do you say we just have a camper weekend update instead? Let me start by saying that I know my camper isn't cool or ...
Travel Diary | San Diego + La Jolla
You can catch up with the first few days of our California trip here, but keep reading for details on the San Diego Zoo and our afternoon on the beaches of La Jolla. Spoiler alert: it provided one of our favorite meals! If you've been to San Diego, you'll know that everybody's number recommendation is the San Diego Zoo. We did a ton of reading and tried to decide whether to spend multiple days here and if we should hit up the zoo and the safari park. Ultimately, we decided to spend a single day at the zoo only, and not feel terrible if we couldn't fit every exhibit into our day. We got up early enough to grab brunch in Encinitas (details in our previous post) and still wound up in the zoo parking lot about twenty minutes before they opened the doors. We grabbed our tickets ...