As predicted, the tropical storm rolled right on in the very next day. While the storm raged outside, and the camper did a bit of rocking, we debated whether we should wait it out or head home. The forecast was unpredictable, but things looked promising towards the end of the week and I'm a firm believer that rain at the beach is way better than rain at home. We ultimately decided to enjoy a few lazy days around camp and pray that the sunshine would reappear later in the week. On that first rainy morning, I decided to take advantage of our lack of plans and get all of the laundry done. This was my second trip to the laundromat -- why do we create so much dirty laundry during vacation?! I loaded up six loads (I know, I'm shaking my head, too) of clothes and towels, two crabby girls and ...
Our Annual Beach Trip | Part One
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here.It's hard to believe it's almost been a month since we got home from the beach, so I figured I better get these photos on the blog before I forgot everything we did! I fluctuate between years having excellent photographs or videos and those with mediocre ones. This year definitely falls into the latter category. Tropical Storm Cindy blew in at the halfway point and ruined a few of our best laid plans and with them went any concern for photographic evidence. We just had a great time and whatever I got, is what I got. How about a three part recap starting now? Our letterboard has been hanging in our ...
Little Letters | July
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. Dear Hanna Andersson, You are adorable. Thank for you for perfectly striped Christmas pajamas, matching unicorn sleepers, and tulip print undies. Dear Steel City Pops, That chocolate popsicle never disappoints, but where has the strawberry lemon been all my life?! Goodness gracious. Dear Birmingham Blog friends, SO nice to meet you in real life. Next time let's go somewhere quiet so we can have an actual conversation, mmmkay? Dear Red Striped Dress, I was skeptical about your one shoulder, but you proved me wrong. Can we still be friends? Dear Strapless Bandeau, you are the most ...
The Daily Dime | July 2017
Remember last month when I told you that I was sharing an atypical day? It was atypical, because my kids are rarely ever out of town without me and I can't remember the last time I had a day completely to myself. Well, it happened again. Josh's parents decided to head to the beach for a week and we hadn't made any plans to join them. I'm trying to save my remaining vacation days for our anniversary trip and the Christmas holidays, so I didn't want to take off from work and since the puppy isn't fully vaccinated, we can't board her or leave her with another pet owner just yet. Ultimately, I decided to take one for the team and stay behind to care for her. Josh and the girls were only gone for a few days, but it was super relaxing and I didn't do anything even remotely productive. Wanna ...
What I Read in June
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. June is always a stellar reading month for me and this one was no exception. A few day at home alone followed by a ten day vacation means I can usually get to double-digits! I didn't read as many books this month as in June's past, but considering that my first read of the month topped 900 pages and I usually stay well under 400, I feel like I accomplished a ton. This appears to be the month of four star reads -- I didn't meet a book I didn't fall in love with. I saved all of my creepy thrillers for the beach and they made for perfect one day reads. Josh finished the sequel to Pillars of the Earth ...
Hacking + Packing Our Camper
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. The response to our camper makeover has been so wonderful and we have loved sharing all of the details with you over the last few weeks. I'm already itching to renovate another one, so I'll keep you posted on whether or not I can convince Josh to spring for a tiny vintage number. How cute would that be as an office?! In the meantime, I wanted to share a post full of tips and tricks we use to pack our camper and ways to make it the most functional for us. I'm fully convinced that the people who design campers (and decorate them!) have never actually stayed in one for any length of time. There ...
Meet Scoop!
I wish I could adequately explain how giddy I am to write this post for you today. This introduction has been a long time coming and we have all been grinning from ear to ear for weeks. You would think we had won the lottery or brought home our first baby or figured out how to drink Dr. Pepper and still be skinny -- we have all been that excited. But let's start at the beginning. It's almost been twenty one months exactly since Beemer died. The day we buried her, we removed all dog related items from our house and deep cleaned. We filled a garbage sack full of toys, her bed, and every pet related item we had ever owned. We kept photographs, her favorite leash, and the pink collar she wore for the previous ten years -- but I had no desire to walk into our room and find an empty bed ...
Collaboreads | Behind Her Eyes
Disclosure: Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. This book lover’s link-up isn’t restrictive, joins great books with even better bloggers, and creates a wonderful space for conversation. I love that the prompts are open ended, meaning you can be as literal or as figurative as you’d like. We’ll pick the theme, you’ll pick the book, and then we’ll all link up at the end of the month. Sounds fun, right? This month’s prompt was to read a book in a single day. I should point out that since I was on vacation for the last ten days, I had several things to choose from! Once I conquered my 1000 page novel (thank you, husband), I was averaging a book ...