Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. February was going to the month I got my reading mojo back... sort of. I did manage to finish up two audiobooks, read my first hold it in your hand book of the year, and get almost done with a book I've been reading since the fall (I know). I'm still not feeling great, but I can definitely tell that I'm turning a corner and I hope that daily reading will be a part of my life again very soon. I'm sorry for getting this post up a few days late, but so thankful for Rachel, who is always on top of things. I feel sure that with my energy and appetite making a reappearance this month, that surely regularly scheduled ...
Currently | March 2018
It's weird how January seemed to drag on forever and then February was gone in the blink of an eye. Maybe it is directly tied to what was going in my life during those months, but 2018 has just felt weird so far. I wasn't hopeful when March dawned dreary and cloudy, but it's been a surprisingly beautiful week in our neck of the weeks. Those big trees aren't budding out yet, but our dogwoods and yellow bell bushes are GORGEOUS and the grass is starting to turn. Bring on Spring! planning | I'm just planning all the things right now. I mentioned this last week, but we got our Disney trip rescheduled and are now planning for a Thanksgiving trip. Yes, I'm probably certifiable for taking an 8 week old to Disney, but we're going with it. It isn't time to start making reservations just yet, ...
Bumpdate | 12 Weeks
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. I've gone back and forth about how to share updates with you each month and if I wanted to share updates at all (of course I do), but I really loved tracking Sophie's pregnancy with you (or the 75 of you were here for that) and since I started sharing at twelve weeks with her, I figured it was only fitting that I start this series during the twelfth week of pregnancy number three. Unlike Sophie's updates, I won't be spamming you with weekly updates. I'll probably take weekly photos and then share them all in a single monthly post. Good? Good. swing tank | maternity ponte pants It's kind of hard to believe we're ...
Family Friendly Gluten-Free Chicken Pot Pie + Grocery Delivery
Thank you to Shipt for kindly sponsoring this post. All opinions are 100% honest & completely my own. Guys, I'm struggling. I'm struggling to make it through the grocery store without wanted to collapse. I'm struggling with getting my kids to eat any vegetables at all. I'm struggling with what to eat during these first trimester days and how to stand the terrible smell of food cooking, while I'm at it! During my first two pregnancies, I either had no children or one toddler, who was very easy to please. With older girls and a much busier schedule, I'm feeling the demand to be better at this pregnant parenting thing. Enter Shipt's delivery services... again. Even though we live just outside of the delivery area, we've been using Shipt to deliver groceries and household items ...
Pregnancy Q+A
I didn't mean to take a week (plus!) off from the blog, but I had a string of really crappy days and just haven't felt like posting very much. I'm still getting used to this new normal and both the blog and Instagram have taken a back burner. I do have several great posts planned for this week (maybe 5 if I can keep from falling asleep at my desk), so this week should be mostly back to business. I promised this Q + A post a few weeks ago, so let's delve into how I'm feeling, how we discovered our pregnancy, and what we're most looking forward to this year! Were you trying to get pregnant? Ummm, absolutely not. Early in our marriage, we thought we would try for three babies, but at some point along the way we decided that two girls was just perfect. There have been times when each ...
Little Letters | February 2018
This post includes affiliate links. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. It's time for the Little Letters Link Up and, this week, I thought I'd share something different. I'm not sure that these pregnancy updates will completely replace my usual letters, but since our life is currently filled with all things baby, I thought it was definitely appropriate for this month. January 20, 2018: the day we told the girls about baby Dear Baby, You pretty much rocked our world. You were the very last thing we expected, but we are so very excited to welcome you to our family this fall. Here are a few letters I've been writing to you this month: 6 Weeks 2 Days | January 17, 2018 It's been a ...
Currently | February 2018
January was such a blur. If you read here on Friday, then you totally understand why, but I'm hoping that I'll feel a little more present in February. I had big plans for the first month of the year -- I wanted to establish some rhythms and patterns that would help me feel in control and on track for the entire year, but most of that got pushed to this month. Let's be honest, January is kind of a practice month, so maybe this is when things get really good. Right? finishing | I'm trying hard to finish a book I started months ago. It isn't that it's not wonderful (it is!) or that I don't want to finish (I do!), there just always seems to be something keeping me from getting it done. I lost the book back in the fall and didn't realize I hadn't finished it until I found it in a really ...
Book by Book | What I Read in January 2018
Affiliate links appear in this post. Any purchases made using these links will earn Taz + Belly a small commission. You can read more about our affiliate relationships here. January's reading life was lackluster at best. I had such high hopes for the month, with three unfinished titles on tap and so many new books to dig into. Instead, every time I sat down to read, I fell asleep! I can't do much of anything that involves being still and quiet right now, unless I'm okay with taking a nap. I did get through several hundred pages of my other book, but I'm hoping to finish it up early this month and move on to some new material. I also finished up an audiobook that I started in December (I can't exactly fall asleep while driving, so...), so I'm going to review that lonely title for you ...