Let me start by saying that I'm not a football fan and never really have been. I know that is sacrilegious in this state, but I can usually be found chasing a two-year old or reading a magazine during said game. For the sake of my husband, I try to participate... wear a red shirt on Saturdays, accompany him to whatever venue the game will be viewed, being proud for him over a win and sad for a loss. Then there was this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed this season for Alabama, if for no other reason that the pure joy it brings my husband. The fact that Ella stinkin' LOVES to wear her Ah-bama dress is just icing on the cake. Today we had lots going on before and after the game and it was such a good day. When she realized this morning that she and daddy were both wearing Alabama shirts ...
It’s tree time!
Although we don't go "shopping" the day after Thanksgiving, we do travel into town. I laughed this morning as we started out to pick up our Christmas tree... we were side by side with cars who had come from the city to buy trees at a bona fide Christmas tree farm. We were leaving the country for the city to buy a tree that someone already cut down! Oh well. We buy our tree at the Lloyd's lot every year, they have the most beautiful fir trees I've ever seen. We get an 8 footer and a live wreath for our front door. Today, Ella fell asleep in the car and wasn't nearly as excited about being there as I had hoped. One of us had to be holding her at all times, so the photo ops were limited. The picture above is me & El picking out our wreath. Below is a sleepy-head picture with daddy while ...
Some things I was thankful for today, inspired by one of my favorite blogs. Afternoon naps, story time and grandmothers Bunnies in clothes & Ella Dean Fields Christmas cookies Dogs Endless sweet tea Family and friends Gran & Poppy Homemade macaroni & cheese Internet friends Jesus Christ K & Cory Laughing out loud Mamaw Latta's dressing recipe Nature Outside games, cousins and best friends Peanut butter fudge Quiet rides home Rest Sweet daddy & princess beds Turkey Unbuttoning pants that grew too tight Vacation days Watching the parade in our pajamas X... seriously, what starts with X? Yellow leaves Zzzzzzs ...
Michael Kors & Taco Salad
It has a certain ring to it, don't you think? Today I picked up my birthday present from Josh (although it took the birthday money I acquired from other places to finish it off). I have wanted a really nice purse for awhile, but hated the thought of spending any amount of money on one. I finally decided that since I don't really have to carry a diaper bag anymore that it is sort of worth it for me to carry a really nice purse instead. In comes the Michael Kors. Since I couldn't possibly afford one at a department store or at full price, I've been scouting T.J.Maxx. Lucky me, I found the perfect handbag when I dropped by today. I wasn't sure until I looked in the mirror with it on my arm. Do you do that? Try purses "on"? Well, I do and I LOVED it. Okay, so I realize that purses and taco ...
Sweet Sundays
Today was a good day. I usually try not to spend much time on the computer blogging on Sundays... hence Silent Sundays. Sunday is our family day and we go to church as a family and love our daddy up before he leaves again for work. Today, I wanted to share some sweet moments from our day, so I'll make an exception. Josh & Ella are eating supper, so I had a brief window of opportunity to blog. The first time I saw Ella today was at 12:19 this morning. We're still sleeping with a monitor on (until she's used to her big girl bed) and we heard her crying out early this morning. When I went in to see her she was standing in the middle of her room with one bunny under her arm in all of her footy-pajama goodness. She told me she had fallen out of her big girl bed and had to use the table ...
Semi-Silent Sunday Letters
Ella LOVES playing with the alphabet. She has a bowl in the kitchen. She carried it into the playroom to work on the fireplace screen... all the while singing the ABCs. We'll have more pictures tonight - today is "family night supper" at Gran & Poppy's for my birthday and then Karson's birthday party. Have a restful Sunday. ...
Puzzle time and fuzzy sweaters
Today was a good day, even if it was long. I had a booth at the VHS Christmas Bazaar and did quite well. I sold the majority of what was left after the Baker's Farm Fall Festival. What did I do with the oodles of money you might ask? I promptly spent it... at K-Mart and Little Lambs! I finished doing my Christmas shopping for Ella - all toys and the like are completely done and I bought her one last outfit at LL's (I can only afford to shop there about twice a year, but I LOVE their clothes). I have it on good authority that one pink princess castle and accessories will be making a Christmas morning appearance and I expect squeals & giggles galore. Ella informed us just yesterday that Santa was bringing it for her... I take notes! please forgive the comb-over, Ella strips the bow ...
Let them eat cake!
Here we are eating yummy carrot cake after dinner! And my AWESOME sister (have I told you that lately?) bought me this book... I'm so totally excited to read it! ...