Ella-boo That new computer up there The mexican food I just ate LOST {it's on right now!} A fun and interesting job The Nutter Butter Wafers that I'm about to eat Not so favorite things... Hotel rooms 12 hour days Forgetting my phone charger Missing my family ...
Fruit Salad
I'm calling this fruit salad because it is such a random conglomoration of things that there isn't another name for it. I'm still out of town. My job is great. Spending the evening in a hotel room, alone, isn't so great. I'm watching American Idol right now. Who doesn't love Kris & Matt? They were so good tonight. I also found a cheap mexican restaurant today which made me happy. No more Taco Bell or Subway for this girl. Josh is home with Ella and I'm not. She told me today that she didn't miss me. She told me she loved me and that she was my best girl, but she didn't miss me. Rats. These are the updates I've gotten from Garan: Monday - Ella had a good evening with garan and poppy! We went to bed about 9:30. She started out watching Tom and Jerry in our bed and fussed just ...
Hello again
This photo is from so long ago, but it is one of my favorites. Taken by K, of course, while playing with her many baubles; Ella has been a girly-girl from the get go. Can you believe how tiny she is in this photo? The best I can tell, it was taken sometime spring of last year. It is amazing to me how she has grown since then. I'm blogging this picture because I'm in a hotel room without my girl and I can't take a "picture of the day." Fortunately, I should be receiving one each night via email so that I can see my little princess and share them with you. In another life, I worked for another company and traveled quite a lot. In this life, it's been eighteen months since my last overnight business trip and I'm finding it more difficult than I remember. Then, she was small and didn't ...
Do you make homemade salsa? or pico de gallo? We love having tacos and fajitas around here, so I find myself making it at least once a week. We all love it and even Ella will sneak the tomatoes while I'm mixing it up. Here is what you need: 2 medium sized tomatoes 1 red onion 1 jalapeno pepper cilantro lime juice salt water Here is what you do: I like to chop the cilantro first, while your cutting board is dry. If the leaves are damp, pat them dry with a paper towel or dishcloth. Finely chop and set aside. Chop red onion and jalapeno {remove the seeds from the pepper if you don't want it too spicy} and set aside. Dice tomatoes and put into bowl. I like to pit the tomatoes first because you don't need the extra juice, just the ripe red meat. Add two heaping ...
The effects of chocolate
Before After She got a chocolate surprise for having a great potty day. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it. ...
Baking Cookies
This post is why you shouldn't bake cookies with a two year old. Let me start over. My mom actually baked the cookies, but I did have the monumental task of icing 40 pairs of undies and with a two year old, that is some serious work! Not only did she cough and have to be redirected and instructed to cover her mouth*, she put her foot in one cookie and her hand in another. Seriously? The cookies turned out perfect. It's a good thing, too, because my day was going downhill fast. My yellow necklace was broken when it arrived today and they are currently sold out. Thank goodness for wire-cutters and ingenuity, because I put it back together. Then I opened the pretty eggplant dress. First of all, it isn't eggplant it's purple. Second of all, the medium is more like an extra small and ...
Pigs and Pigtails
I'm sorry for my lack of posts over the weekend, as well as our lack of enjoyable content. We haven't had much "blog-worthy" going on around here. On Friday night we had cheap Mexican food with some of our favorite people, followed by a quick trip to Walmart. We knew we were in for a wet and lazy weekend, so we stocked up on movies and Reese's peanut butter eggs. On Saturday, we stayed in our pajamas almost all day. We watched Kung Fu Panda, Body of Lies and Australia {my new favorite, if you haven't see it, stop what you're doing and watch it now}. Ella went to a late afternoon wedding with Gran & Poppy while we cleaned house and then we all resumed our pj-wearing, couch-laying-on, tv watching weekend. Today it was pretty much a repeat of yesterday, just add church and family night ...
Bunny Love
Because Ella loves her so much, she makes these kinds of faces when SD tortures them. ...