This was the last thing I saw on Sunday before coming out of town. It made me sad. But not as sad as the photos below. I am so amazed when I look at this face. She is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so blessed to be her mommy. I'm appalled at how big she's getting and I'm hanging on for dear life. I cannot imagine a single day without her in my life. I am missing her like crazy while I'm traveling and I cannot wait to see her. Today. In five hours. There might not be a lot of posting going on this weekend, but buckle your seatbelts ladies because next week will be full of wedding goodness. Even though I'm not the photographer of the family, I'll be doing my best to get some snapshots to share with you until the official wedding photos are ...
Easter Goodies
I'm sure you know by now, but Ella & I like to make goodies for our friends each holiday. She took Halloween candy, Thanksgiving cookies, Christmas treats and most recently our Valentine's cups. For Easter, we bought metal buckets at Target for a dollar a piece and filled them with pastel basket grass, Easter pencils, an egg of Play-doh and candy. We had as much fun putting them together as the kids will have enjoying them on Good Friday. Me & Ella in our Easter Bunny headbands Ella gathering her supplies So proud! This is from earlier in the day, but I couldn't resist adding it on. She wanted to see how big she was getting. Too big, I tell you! ...
Boots, burgers and ketchup
K & Cory were sweet enough to invite us over for burgers on the grill Saturday night. We were exhausted, but excited to spend some time with them before the big day. Can you tell that Ella put this outfit together herself? She'd worn the skirt and cute Easter t-shirt shopping, but had on appropriately cute white sandals for most of the day. When I asked her to get daddy to help her with some shoes while I got dressed this is what happened. He said she picked them out and he put them on. Gorgeous don't you think? Ella & Cory cooking up some burgers Ketchup, mmmmm. ...
{the weekend, part 3}
As if our shopping excursion wasn’t fun enough we had the pleasure of visiting with some of our favorite people in the world, but let me back up. My good friend, Amye was pregnant late last week when I talked to her and it is rare for us to go more than a few days with speaking, whether in person, on the phone or via email. Since I worked all weekend and was out of town all week, it had been awhile since we talked. I decided on the 3.5 hour drive home last Friday to call and check on her. Her due date had been the day before and I knew she had to be getting close. Can you believe that when I called she was holding her baby? Macklin Asher Carle was born on Sunday, March 29th while I was driving to work. She’d tried to get in touch with me, but my travels prevented that. She’d had that ...
{the weekend, part 2}
**When I posted the prayer request yesterday, I didn't expect to generate so much chatter. For each of you who commented or emailed me I AM NOT PREGNANT :). The matter is much simpler and you'll probably laugh at me later. I only asked for your prayers because I'm a worrier by nature. Thank you for your response, though, I appreciate your friendship so much!** Even though we were very excited about spending the day together, SD had to go to work. Ella & I slept late and took our time eating breakfast, cleaning house and getting ready. Since this was my only weekend home between now and Easter/wedding festivities I had many errands to run. Final wedding details to take care of, groceries to buy, and Easter baskets to coordinate. Fortunately for me, Ella is already a fan of the ...
{the weekend}
Did y'all think I wasn't coming back? I had to cram an entire week's worth of love, pictures and blog ideas into a measly 48 hours, so there wasn't time to spend on the computer {even though it is absolutely drool-worthy}. This is her highness, Princess Ella, at breakfast Saturday morning. She opted to eat on the counter while I cleaned the disgusting kitchen inhabited by she and SD for the prior five days. Let me tell you that this little smile made my day. She was so excited to see me Friday night and we had the best time together all weekend. I took enough photos on Saturday to last all week, so the posts will be coming each and every day, despite the fact that they were all taken in the span of 10 hours. The one above was my favorite. I was loading the dishwasher, Beemer ...
I had an email from Josh this morning and that's no small feat. He isn't an emailer. It had an attachment and the subject line said "Hey Baby." I thought, "YES, another picture of my girl!" Instead I got this. THIS is why I love him. ...
You know what I got today? These precious pictures a sweet telephone call from a little girl who said, "I want you to come home right now!" Yes, ma'am. I'll be home in almost exactly 24 hours and I cannot wait. ...