Ella and I have been talking about Scout the Elf and when he might make his December debut. I had hoped he would come on December 1st, but this week has been a little crazy and I forgot to let him know he was expected! On Tuesday morning I went out the back door to crank the car before waking Ella up and I saw him in the kitchen. I ran back in to get her up and she was a "sleepy girl, tired girl" {that's what we say when she's sleepy}. She wanted a few more minutes until I told her that I saw somebody in the kitchen. Ella cracked an eye and asked me who. When I told her that Scout was on the counter she sat straight up and said, "What's he doing?!?!" When she came running into the kitchen she found Scout hanging out in a little Christmas tree, but that wasn't even the best part. Not ...
Small Town Christmas
I live in a small town. A really small town. With a local grocery, one stop light, and a famous Christmas tree, it's the biggest one around. On Monday night our little town hosted its annual Christmas Parade downtown and Ella and I decided to go. SD had to go back out of town after Sophie's debut, so we had the night to ourselves with nothing to do. We put on our warmest clothes and walked, yes walked, downtown for the show. We sat under the train bridge and watched the Miss Merry Christmas princesses, horses, dance troupes and firetrucks go by. We got glow sticks, candy and rosy red cheeks. We laughed and had our picture made under that big Christmas tree. ...
Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
After our doctor's appointment on Monday, the the Fields family headed across the street to the mall for some yummy Chick-fil-A. We were planning to pay a visit to the man in red while we were there. Luckily, there was no line! We've been talking the big guy up for several weeks now and I told Ella that she had to have her picture made and needed to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas unless she wanted to run the risk of waking up to an empty stocking on Christmas morning. She finally decided that although she didn't want to sit in his lap, she would gladly stand beside him. She was a little hesitant and stood farther away than necessary on our first try, wearing poor bunny out {which she does when she's anxious}. She warmed up to him and stood a little closer, even giving us a ...
What do night lights and Jesus have in common?
Ella has almost always been a good sleeper. She was sleeping through the night, in her bedroom, at five weeks old. We've had a few hiccups, but in general, she's easy when it comes to the bedtime routine. With Josh traveling this summer and me in the throes of first trimester nausea and exhaustion, I found it much easier to let her fall asleep in my bed. Before I had kids I always made fun of those "co-sleeping" parents, but it is easy to laugh when you aren't the parent! Since my belly is growing exponentially and we are soon to be out of room, I've been trying to more consistently make her sleep in her bed. If you are my friend on Facebook, you've read a few recent posts full of night time excuses and reasons not to sleep in her bed. It has been quite funny. We've been reading her ...
The Giant Tree Tent
Guess who went to the tree tent after a pancake breakfast on Saturday? Guess who was beside herself when she saw them all lined up in a row? Guess who's pretty 9 foot fir tree was stolen out from under her by an old lady? Guess who paid WAY too much for the next best tree on the lot? ...
It’s Design Time!
These plans may or may not change a hundred times between now and April, but today, this is what we're thinking... Let me start by saying that Josh is thrilled the nursery doesn't have to be painted. It is the same twig green of Ella's room with an off-white trim color and dark hardwood floors. Since the two rooms are connected by a door, I wanted them to coordinate as much as possible, but I'm going to be working hard to make this room Sophie's own. 1. This bedding is what I bought for Ella and I love it just as much today as I did almost four years ago. It is Bubbles in pink/sage from Bacati and is so soft and snuggly. I love the quilted bumpers and the bedskirt is long enough that it reaches the floor even when the mattress is on the highest setting. 2. Although this chair is ...
Two of a Kind
Today was the big day and we couldn't be happier. People kept asking what we were hoping for and honestly, all we could think about was hearing we had a healthy, growing baby. This has quite possibly been the longest twenty weeks of my life - I wasn't nearly as nervous carrying Ella as I have been with this little one. This pregnancy has been pretty similar to Ella's, with one major difference... movement. This baby moves so much more than Ella ever did. So much so, that the ultrasonographer had quite the time tracking her little fanny down! Once we saw it, though, there was no question as to who she was going to be. Josh picked out the name Sophie - it was first on his list. I had a few girl names that I liked, but whenever I pictured another little girl, I couldn't get Sophie out ...
Baby Belly, Week 20