Out-takes are up! ...
31 Things
Today is January 31st. Today is our sweet daddy's thirty-first birthday. To celebrate, I thought I'd share 31 things I that I like about him today. 1. He's a daddy who loves sweet little girls who wake up early to color birthday cards. Ella and Molly making birthday cards this morning while SD slept in. 2. That for thirteen years (tomorrow) he's known me better than anyone else. 3. He might be the funniest person I have EVER met. He sings, dances and makes the most off-the-wall comments and it definitely keeps me laughing. 4. He is the best daddy ever. He indulges Ella for the most part, but disciplines her when it's necessary. 5. He builds really good castles, loves to do "fun tricks" and tortures us incessantly. 6. He makes the best hamburgers ever. Seriously. Mine ...
Meet Dolly.
It isn't at all unusual for K to bring prizes when she comes to visit. She brings flashcards and games and last week she brought us matching pink aprons to wear while we bake Valentines goodies. Ella is always excited when K calls and says she has presents! This week, it was Dolly. A friend at work just opened an etsy shop and K was photographing the lovely merchandise. She was sweet enough to send a gift for Ella and once we know what color hair our Sophie is going to have, she'll have a Dolly, too! We were excited she was a ballerina and thought long and hard about what to name her. After mommy shot-down Widget, Ella settled on Dolly. I think it suits her just fine. ...
Baby Belly, Week 28
Click here for outtakes. ...
First, let me say that this picture is completely unrelated to the post. I just thought this shot of Ella from New Year's Day was funny. This is all she did all day - she really wanted a pallet! Anyway, onto the embarrassing part. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior when I was seven years old. I also love to read. You could infer from these two statements that for these reasons I have clearly read the bible. Well, I haven't. No matter that I can read a work of fiction in a single day, I have a horrible problem with non-fiction. I cannot focus when I read it. It doesn't matter how I divide it up, or if I reread the same paragraph ninety-five times. I don't absorb it and I give it up. This has been particularly difficult because our Sunday morning bible study class is a book study ...
Nursery Update, Round Two
There isn't a huge amount that has been completed, but I did manage to finish one wall. At this point, that seems like a HUGE accomplishment. Getting anything done this week has been kind of a joke. Between Ella and I both being sick, tons of nursery-related errands being run and housework piling up, nothing productive has really taken place around our house since Monday afternoon! But back to my point. This is my changing station. I know I've already explained that this once was a dresser in our craft/play room. I bought it at a consignment shop for $50. It was an old hotel fixture and was in great shape and very sturdy. I refinished it right after I bought it, but it has gotten pretty banged up over the last year or so. Josh helped me sand it over the weekend and we gave it a fresh ...
Baby Belly, Week 27
Outtakes are here. ...
A nursery update… sort of.
My plan was to share lots of nursery photos today - we've been working hard in there since Friday night. This morning, my plan got a little derailed. This is what I've been dealing with most of the day... She got sick mid morning and has felt pretty terrible most of the day. We've eaten (a few) pigs in a blanket, watched Snow White, snuggled and slept. I found her asleep like this in my bed this morning. How funny is it that her head is in that bowl? In fact, she's sleeping in a similarly weird position right now. When I wasn't dealing with a sick little princess, I was preparing for the arrival of another little princess. I didn't get many projects finished today, but I did get plenty of things started! Hopefully by mid week, I'll have a few more things to share. For now, I'll ...