I always called Ella that when I went it to get her out of the crib in the mornings... "Hello, my sunshine girl!" It looks like we have another one. We spent some time on the front porch today drinking our bottle and she loved it so much that we needed to find a sunny spot inside. Since Sophie's windows are so high, sunlight doesn't pool on her floor until late in the afternoon. Luckily... big sister's room get's lots of light and Sophie didn't seem to mind crashing. ...
Ali-U Made the Blog Again!
This is Ali, one of my favorite people ever. I might not get to see her very often {we're averaging once a year!!!}, but we talk via email quite a bit and we pick up where we left off when we do get to see each other. Ali was my freshman year roommate in college and we had a blast. Ella asked us today what we did when we lived together and we just had to laugh. We sang to the Dixie Chicks at the top of our lungs. We watched way too many episodes of Friends. We had Dawson's Creek viewing parties. We randomly drove to Alabaster for free Mt. Dew and TCBY. We called each other from our bedrooms which were 15 feet apart. We ate cheesy french fries with bacon & chives for dinner. We put dirty dishes in our roommates rooms when they didn't help wash. We laid in the bed together ...
Tummy Time
Nursery Update, The Big Reveal
I am finally ready to show you the finished nursery and it's about time, considering Sophie will be five weeks old tomorrow! We have really enjoyed spending time in here getting to know our newest addition and I can't wait to see how much she loves it as she gets old enough to play and spend time in her sanctuary. The crib is the first thing you see when you walk in the room. We finally settled on having it under the mantle long ways to keep the back wall from feeling too crowded. It was in the middle of the room in Ella's nursery and we loved being able to walk around it and I'm so glad we placed it here because people can stand on either side of it to get a good peek at her when she's sleeping. The bedding was in Ella's nursery and is Bubbles by Bacati in pink and green. We have a ...
Scrum Dilly
Scrum Dilly means scrum-dilly-umptious, as in scrumptious, which also means wonderfully beautiful, handsome or fabulous... depending on the situation I find myself in. These pictures definitely called for a hearty "scrum dilly." I swiped them from K's blog today and I can't wait to share the rest! According to her, I should have them all in the next few days, but you can click here for a few more beauties. Thanks, K. We love and appreciate you more than you know. ...
Front Yard Campout
Poppy called to see if Ella wanted to spend the night with him on Friday for a front yard campout. He has a two-man tent and thought it was just the perfect size for he and Ella to enjoy. Josh and I were skeptical about whether or not she would last all night... especially since she is afraid of a gnat. We asked Garan to please take some pictures with her camera. Ella & Poppy setting up the tent. All done. Of course, no campout is complete without a sack full of books and toys. Heading in for the night. I hear there were a few squeals and some cell phone room service requests, but all in all a very successful campout. The sun is up. and this is what I saw when I stopped to pick her up at 8:45! Not only did she make it through the night, but she wouldn't let ...
Field Day Crashing
Friday was Field Day at my mom's elementary school and Ella, Sophie & I decided to crash. It was awfully hot outside and Ella didn't play nearly as much as I'd hoped she would, but she told me she had a "great day at Garan's school" so I'm glad we spent the day in the heat! {Ella caught up with her friends Madi & Lauren} {We ate yummy cherry sno-cones and had our face painted} {Sophie got to try out her sling and LOVED it} {Ella tried out the inflatable obstacle course and declared it "too hot!"} {so we wrapped things up by playing games in Gran's classroom to cool off} ...
Love Letters: One Month
Dear Sophie, Today you are one month old. The past four weeks have gone by so much quicker than I wanted them to. We snuggle you all day long, but I know I'll regret not holding you even more. Ella loves you so much and asks to hold you and care for you all day. She lays so close to you and looks at you with such love in her eyes. Your daddy and I beg you everyday to stop growing. You are still such a tiny girl, wearing only newborn clothes and diapers, some of which still swallow you whole. You have long fingers and toes and your arms and legs are still so skinny. Your brown hair is still long and fluffy and hasn't given any hint of curling or turning blonde. The only thing plump about you are your precious cheeks and little round belly. We couldn't have asked for a better ...