It's been almost exactly eighteen months (this number seems to be a theme with us) since I shared the first episode of a vlog series that I expected to be immediately forthcoming. Buying my parents house hasn't been without it's hiccups, but we finally found ourselves home owners again, late last month. When we first moved in, my parents weren't quite sure of their future plans. They were debating a new build, finishing out the barn/pool house, or become full time RVers and we were giving them time to adjust to the idea of selling their forever home. We happily coexisted for a full year, before making some decisions that would get this beauty off of my parents' hands. What we didn't know then, is that we would spend an entire year debating property lines and driveway locations with ...
A Sweet Weekend
I saw so many posts on Friday about lowering your expectations for Mother's Day weekend. On the one hand, I understood the sentiment -- as women, we sometimes build up how an experience should go and when it isn't perfect, we start to pick apart the day and our people and the gifts and it doesn't end well for anyone. On the other hand, it's hard not to have high expectations for a day that celebrates the core of who we [some of us] are. Our family had a very simple weekend, but it was exactly what I had hoped for, and reminded me why it is I love this mothering gig in the first place. Sophie had a friend over on Friday night and while they were upstairs playing, I got a call from my Grandmother. My Granmom is a spectacular woman -- I'll have to tell you about the time she turned me ...
Hello, Friday [May 10, 2019]
Can we first take a minute to congratulate me on FIVE POSTS IN ONE WEEK -- who am I even? I told you that I had a ton of photographs and video to get through this week and I wasn't kidding. Maybe a few more five-post-weeks and we'll be all caught up before summer (but probably not, because: motherhood). I think in last week's post I told you I was feeling really convicted about not having guests over more often, because I was embarrassed about our lack of house progress. Ella ended up having two friends over last Friday night and Sophie is having a friend over tonight and my house is not done and I did not die. Are you following Erin Moon on Instagram? Because if you aren't, you are missing out on a GEM. She's the producer of our favorite podcast - The Popcast - and is local ...
March Little Things
I'm a little behind on sharing our monthly videos, but I couldn't bear to skip it altogether?! March was such a fun month and watching these clips again made me so ready for our annual summer camping trip -- we're only one month away! Since I look at Polly everyday, it's sometimes hard to see the nuanced changes that happen over the course of a few weeks. I'm challenging myself to take more videos of the girls this year and it has been so fun to watch them grow so much over such a short period of time. Even the subtle changes in Polly's diet and eating habits are so much more obvious here. We hope you're enjoying these tiny glimpses into our home and very normal, every day life. April's video will be up soon! ...
Easter Weekend
Sure, it's been a few weeks since Easter, but I figured if we were going to be playing catch up, we might as well go all the way back to the beginning of April. For the last several years, we've gone to church on Good Friday. This year, Ella had a field trip to Dollywood that day and didn't get back until well after midnight. I was a little sad to rearrange our weekend, but it ended up working out okay. We went to church on Saturday afternoon instead and my parents and sister's family were able to go with us. Of course, my girls were thrilled to take family photos before we left, but there was no way we were skipping that opportunity on Polly's first Easter. The photo below is one of my favorites -- Polly would not leave Sophie's hair alone! Polly was her usually serious ...
Eight Months with Polly
Isn't weird how your child can seem virtually the same for months and then all of a sudden, they are this whole new person? That isn't just true with babies -- I've had this same revelation regarding Ella recently -- but I feel like Polly grew up so much in the last several weeks. I didn't even notice while it was happening, I just realized this weekend that so many of these prompts from last month are really different from our current situation. I guess that is exactly why I'm recording all of these details, even though I might be the only one who enjoys reading them! eight months as of May 5, 2019 Height + Weight: I’m not sure about Polly’s stats this month (and she won’t go back to the pediatrician until late June), but I would guess she's around 17 pounds or so. Clothes: This ...
Hello, Friday [May 3, 2019]
Hello, Friday, I thought you would never come. Am I the only one that felt like this week lasted forever? I'm usually lamenting how fast the time flies, but it feels like forever since the weekend. There are plenty of links in today’s post, but none of them are affiliate links. I'm not going to start with "I owe you a post on," because that list could get long, really fast. But, I definitely owe you a full post on baby led weaning or infant self-feeding. The last eight weeks have been quite the journey, but we are finally getting the hang of things. I'm starting to see a pattern in the kinds of foods Polly loves (not chicken) and she's actually eating things instead of just playing with them. Waffles, raspberries, and sliced turkey were a few new additions that got high praise ...
Currently | May 2019
It's usually the month of May that I dread. Our calendars are overstuffed because school is coming to a close, work is always really busy, and the days between us and the beach are dragging along. This year, it seems the tables have turned and we've been anxiously anticipating this month. It's our first month as home owners in a really long time, the calendar seems more manageable than April, and Polly as an eight month old is a delight. Hopefully, the calmer calendar also means more blog posts and more time to connect with you here. admiring | This might seem silly, but I'm admiring all of my friends who seem to have it all together. I'm still kind of struggling to balance allthethings as a mom of three, but I'm bound and determined to figure it out. The slower days of summer ...