It’s time for 5 on Friday! This week was a good one and I have lots of fun things to share.
ONE // We were en route to Ella’s dance competition when we got the call that our sweet baby Hayven was on her way! Josh’s brother and his wife, Caycie, were expecting their little nugget next month, but she decided to make an early arrival. We were so worried that we would miss it while we were in Montgomery, but thanks to a long labor she didn’t debut until early Sunday morning. I drove Josh crazy reading him middle of the night text updates and showing off pictures while it was still dark outside! I got word that Hayven Ruby made her way into the world at 4:40 in the morning, weighing 7 pounds even and measuring 19.5 inches long. Ella and I decided they could be “name twins” since her middle name is Dean and they are both named after Josh’s late grandmother, Ruby Dean. How adorable is that?! We got up bright and early and grabbed breakfast on our way to the hospital and couldn’t wait to get our hands on her.
And in honor of baby Hayven — my favorite Kid President video ever. Thanks for sharing, Leila.
TWO // Do you know about Oyster? I saw an advertisement for it earlier in the week and now I’m hooked. It’s kind of like Netflix for books. You pay a little less than $10 a month for unlimited reading and your first month is free. Like Netflix, not every book is in their library, but I found so many things that I want to read. I think it will be worth the money. I currently download most of my books from Amazon and while I try to stay on the free list as much as possible, I almost always spend more than $10 a month on downloads. I figure I can keep reading my free, cheesy romance novels via the Kindle and use Oyster to read REAL books I would have to spend more money on. Any recommendations? I’ve already got about ten books on my reading list and still searching for more. You can also follow your fellow readers to see what’s in their library and what they recommend. It’s like Kindle & Goodreads merged on my iPhone!
THREE // Speaking of apps. Have you watched this video? It’s about how being too plugged in to social media can contribute to loneliness. So very interesting.
FOUR // Have you read Divergent yet? Seen it? I was late to jump on this bandwagon, but some friends loaned me their Kindle books last week and I haven’t put them down yet! I started Divergent last Thursday and had moved on to Insurgent by Sunday. Those same friends that sent me their books invited me to see the movie with them last night. I’m at the dance studio by 5 o’clock on Thursdays since both girls have class, we leave at 6:15, pick up a pizza for dinner and are home by 6:45. Imagine me running around like a crazy person, changing into comfy clothes and driving thirty minutes in the direction I just came from to see a movie at 8 o’clock on a “school night”. Yeah, that happened. The movie was pretty good, but I commented on Instagram that it’s more ‘Twilight good’ and less ‘Hunger Games’ good. Does that make sense?! It was very angsty and tweener-ish. There wasn’t much lead up to the love story, they were just all of a sudden making out. I don’t know. I liked it, but it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be.
FIVE // Today is the last day of school before SPRING BREAK!! I’m sure Josh is thrilled about trying to work next week while the girls run around and ask him to help them with a project or have a dance party in the living room, but I’m hoping he’ll survive. The good news is, he only has to manage for three days because we’re taking off for a little getaway over the weekend. Can you say thrilled?! It’s been a long time since I saw my favorite place on earth and I can’t wait. It might not be summer, but we can ride bikes, read books, watch Frozen a few dozen times and eat plenty of good food. I think the change of scenery will do us good.
I hope your weekend is fabulous, friends! What are your plans? Anything fun? Or not so fun? We have baseball games, yard work and packing on tap. Nothing too glamorous, but I’m glad to get to spend this weekend at home together before we’re on the road again.