Welcome to Taz + Belly, a blog about my favorite things. I’m not currently writing in this space, but I hope you’ll stay awhile and find something you love.
I’m Kristin
I am a forty-something, southern girl who loves to share her stories. You know the ones – we’ll fix you a cup of coffee and talk your ears off about our kids, our hobbies, and what happened in the grocery store checkout line. I’m a wife of twenty-two years (what in the fresh heck?) and the mother of three crazy adorable daughters — Ella (18), Sophie (14), and Polly (6).
I always thought I wanted to be a teacher, but ended up in art school studying printmaking and graphic design. I work a “real job” by day, but my true loves are writing, memory keeping, and making beautiful things. What started in 2008 as a virtual scrapbook, was transformed (as things usually are over the course of eight years) into a space where I shared our daily happenings, sometimes wise words, and over-the-top birthday parties. I love craft supplies, exclamation points, and unnecessary parentheticals.
Cast of Characters
Josh and I were high-school sweethearts. We fight over who folds the laundry and he almost always wins. We read in bed together, fight over the covers, watch a LOT of Netflix, and listen to really great music. We are believers and attend an amazing church where we are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We love road trips, college football (Roll Tide!), and a really great indie concert.
Ella is eighteen and a joy to be around. She loves art, traveling, and reality TV. She used to dance competitively and everything in our life revolved around studio time. These days, she’s a varsity cheerleader and preparing to head off to college. She is a very hard worker and wants to be the best at everything she tries. Immediately.
Sophie is fourteen, but acts like a full-grown adult. She’s tough as nails, isn’t afraid of anything, and commands the stage. We used to call her Taz because she left a trail of destruction wherever she went. She still does that, but we call her BB, since that’s what Polly learned to say first. She loves beauty YouTube, art supplies, and plenty of snuggle time.
Polly is six and the absolute sparkle in our household. She has the greatest sense of humor, blames everything on someone else, and loves to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night. It’s been the most fun having a tiny mascot and she both makes us old and keeps us young. The biggest surprise turned into the very best blessing.
About the Blog
It’s been a long time since I worked to make this blog a business and a global pandemic really put the nail in that coffin. I tried shifting this space from the idea of blogging for others to writing for myself, but at this stage of my life I find I’d rather be living it than just writing about it. You’ll find plenty of family anecdotes, kid-friendly crafts, book reviews, and beautiful birthday parties, but most of our new stories can be found on Instagram and TikTok. Thank you for following along all of these years — we hope to connect with you again one day!