Our first day of distance learning went pretty well yesterday. I made a super early run to the grocery store, ran by the elementary school to pick up Sophie’s supplies, and answered 100 questions from the girls. Ella was pretty self-sufficient, but required a little direction when it came to research. Sophie had a few technical difficulties, but we were able to get her back on track in a few minutes. By lunch, they were exhausted and we spent the rest of the afternoon outside. I’m trying to work while they work and then take advantage of our time together. So far, it’s working pretty well, but I’m praying the novelty doesn’t wear off.
For the most part, Ella will be able to finish her entire week’s worth of assignments in a half day. Sophie has daily reading assignments, but aside from that, she finished everything except her gifted class. She was thrilled to answer these questions when it was her turn (Ella was a little more reluctant, but perked up when things got funny.) and is having the best time keeping a “quarantine journal” (something I’ve added to their coursework).
1. What is your favorite color? periwinkle
2. What is your favorite television show? Greenhouse Academy
2a. What are you currently watching? Spirit Riding Free: Horse Academy & Home Before Dark
2b. What is your favorite movie? Napoleon Dynamite (we watched this recently, as a family)
3. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? breakfast bar
4. What is your favorite meal? chicken enchiladas
5. What is your favorite fruit? bananas
6. What is your favorite snack? Cheetos Puffs
7. What is your favorite drink? water or a chocolate milkshake
8. What is your favorite outfit? Nike shorts and a sweatshirt
9. What is your favorite game to play? Sorry!
10. What is your favorite animal? puppies
11. What is your favorite song? Naked Kids by Group Love (this is clearly less than appropriate, ha!)
12. What is your favorite book? Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
13. Who is your best friend (group)? Baylee, Kiley, Alexis & Amanda
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? swim
15. What is your favorite holiday? My birthday (she’ll be ten next Tuesday!)
16. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? her blanket Panda (Pink was lost in NYC, so we’ve found a suitable replacement)
17. What is your favorite recent memory? our family trip to NYC
18. What do you want to be when you grow up? photographer
19. Name three words to describe you: smart, trustworthy, determined
20. Name something you want to do this year: learn to do a spin toss with my baton
21. If you could travel anywhere this year, where would it be? San Francisco (this might actually happen, depending on COVID and our school schedule)
22. If you could change your name, what would it be? Claire
23. If you had one wish, what would it be? for everyone in the world to have a home and food to eat
24. Are you sad that the regular school year is over? “heck, naw”
25. What is one thing you will miss about school? seeing friends
26. What is your favorite thing about being home with your family? jigsaw puzzles and watching TV shows together
27. What has been your favorite thing to do at home? playing Roblox
28. What is the weirdest/scariest thing about self isolation? knowing that people might die
29. What is something you’re looking forward to, post-isolation? being able to go on a family trip (she didn’t say this, but she’s also really looking forward to celebrating her birthday with friends)
30. What is something you want to remember about this time? that whatever happens in the world, we can always overcome it
I will be interviewing the girls on their first day of school each year for as long as they will let me. I can’t wait to see what a difference a year (or two) makes in their answers! You can see Sophie’s previous interviews here: 2012| 2013| 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018.