I thought that February would surely be kinder to us than January, but boy was I wrong. I’ve taken more sick days in 2020 than I did in 2019 (!!!) and my budget for copays and prescriptions was grossly undersized. We are finally all on the mend, but we accomplished almost nothing on our list from February. Can we get a do-over?
fixing | We’ve been fixing a few minor roof problems over the last few weeks and I think we are finally in the clear. We noticed a small leak upstairs (after painting the girls’ ceilings, of course) and it seems our attic vents needed a new round of caulk and tar. Progress upstairs has been slow going (working around naps and bedtimes isn’t easy!), but we’re almost ready to put the girls’ rooms back together.
hearing | Polly is very into sounds right now, so we spend a fair amount of our time listening for geese and trains and airplines overhead. Her face gets so serious and excited when she properly identifies something — the trains are her favorite and since they run a few times a day nearby, we are always quieting down when we hear a choo choo.
borrowing | One of my goals for this year was to spend far less on books that I have in years past. I cancelled both my BOTM and Audible memberships and have been seriously utilizing our public library system. Ella and I have borrowed so many books already this year and I’m hoping to keep up the momentum. I’ve started requesting books from our on-line catalog, every time I see a fellow bloggers or bookstagrammer recommend something amazing.
feeling | Ella & I have all the feelings about cheer tryouts next week, because our school made a major change to the program this year. Since we have a combined middle and high school campus, she will be eligible to try out for the Varsity squad (traditionally 9-12th grades) as an eighth grader. It will be a lot more intense than middle school cheer, but she’s always up for a new challenge. Assuming all goes well, we’ll likely add a tumbling class over the summer to give her a little extra help. P.S. Living vicariously through your thirteen year old is kind of amazing — especially when she is braver and more talented than you ever thought about being.
recommending | I kind of cheap out when it comes to leggings and lounge pants, even though Ella & Josh are both big Lululemon fans, so I’ve never actually spent more than $25 on a pair of comfy pants for myself. Ella needed to exchange a pair of shorts a few weeks ago and I was feeling a little generous towards myself. I tried on these Align Joggers and YOU GUYS, I fell in love. The 8 fit me super comfortably, but since I’ve been consistently losing weight since the first of the year, I snagged the 6 instead. They fit more like leggings, but I think I will get a little more life out of them than the larger pair. Yes, they were pricey, but I have worn them multiple times already and they are uber comfortable.