I’ve done so well with taking first day of the month (sometimes second) this year, but here we are — with two months to spare — and I completely obscured our normal view with a pair of wing back chairs in my living room. I can’t say that I’m sorry, though, since the chairs make our living room so much more livable. Maybe for next year I’ll continue taking first day photos in the heart of our home, but vary the perspective a bit.
picking | Did I mention that we picked out carpet last week? It’s a beautiful, dark grey with a diamond pattern and everyone in our house actually agreed on what to get (although the girls favored a slightly lighter color.). We’ve spent the last week cleaning and organizing and packing boxes, so that we can empty the upstairs for carpet installation, *hopefully* over the holidays.
preparing | I haven’t told you this yet, but we’re preparing for a pretty big family trip next week. When Josh randomly texted me to ask if I wanted a fun weekend away to celebrate my fortieth birthday, I replied with a very quick YES! We’ll only be gone for the weekend, but it should provide lots of content and pretty pictures. I’ll share more about our destination next week! Any guesses?
trying | We’re trying to be more organized. Isn’t that something that most middle aged women say, multiple times a week? We have been trying to get all of our systems down pat and the girls as organized as possible and we’re working on new chore routines to help keep it all in place. Maybe I’ll share some practical things we’re doing, in the coming weeks.
feeling | I’ve kind of been dreading the big 4-0, but now that it’s here, I’m just so dang grateful. These really are the best days of my life and if they come with loose skin and deep wrinkles, I’m okay with that. In exchange, I get to share clothes with my thirteen year old, work on projects with my middle, and get all the extra cuddles from the cutest fourteen month around.
following | I’ve been following so many great home renovation accounts on Instagram lately. Here are a few of my very favorites: @thegritandpolish |@thegoldhive | @mytinyestate | @farmhousevernacular | @farmhouseonbeckett | @renovationhusbands | @afterhoursfarm | @parkanddivision