Here’s another photo-filled post, with my favorite photos from her newborn session, that I never shared. My sister came over to take newborn photos, a few weeks after Polly was born. It was one of those mornings. You know the kind that I mean — Josh forgot that we were having photos at all, the big girls were in horrible moods, and I hadn’t had a shower in days. I threw in some dry shampoo, threw on an oversized shirt, and told my family they could wear whatever they wanted for our family photos. This is what happened next.
She still looks just like this when she wakes up in the mornings!
I figured that we could have a black and white family photo printed and nobody would even know how ridiculous we looked. What I didn’t expect was to love this photo exactly how it is. Josh is almost never barefoot, Sophie wears her robe constantly if we’re all at home, and Ella was dressed for football weather. It’s so funny to think about how stressed I was, at the time, but I will forever cherish this snapshot in time.
Can you even handle that squishy little face?!
I actually ordered my “P” ring on the afternoon of Polly’s birthday and it arrived about a week after her delivery. I was so thrilled to have all of my babies represented when Kamin snapped these pictures.