It’s usually the month of May that I dread. Our calendars are overstuffed because school is coming to a close, work is always really busy, and the days between us and the beach are dragging along. This year, it seems the tables have turned and we’ve been anxiously anticipating this month. It’s our first month as home owners in a really long time, the calendar seems more manageable than April, and Polly as an eight month old is a delight. Hopefully, the calmer calendar also means more blog posts and more time to connect with you here.
admiring | This might seem silly, but I’m admiring all of my friends who seem to have it all together. I’m still kind of struggling to balance allthethings as a mom of three, but I’m bound and determined to figure it out. The slower days of summer should help with this, so maybe I’ll be super mom by the time school starts again in August.
playing | We are playing lots of peep-eye (peek-a-boo for our northern friends) with Polly these days! She’s also become much more independent lately and can keep herself happy in the floor if we’re nearby. That floor pillow is one of our favorite things and always keeps our favorite toys corralled. Sophie is loving her newest American Girl doll (I owe you a recap on our trip) and the massive sets of Snap Circuits she got for her birthday.
borrowing | I stopped buying soft drinks for our house, but that doesn’t keep from borrowing them from the pool house refrigerator. I really need to be better about drinking water and ditching the Dr. Pepper — I know it’s terrible for me! Any tried and true ways to eliminate soda that have worked for you?
remembering | Hopefully, I’m remembering to attend all of the end-of-the-year festivities at school. I swear I’ve taken more days off to attend student led conferences and parent meetings in the last month and they just keep coming. I’m sending my mom to Ella’s awards day tomorrow, because I have a full day in court. Thank goodness for family!
finishing | We are finally finishing our home’s to-do list this week, even though I’ve been telling you about it for ages. We walked around the property on Sunday afternoon, making the longest list ever. Some things will be tackled right away and others might get moved to a second round of renovations later in life. I’m planning to take plenty of “before” photos this weekend and will be sharing our giant list on the blog next week.