March was a bit of a whirlwind and being out of town for an entire week for Spring Break, made it seem to go by even faster. We had the best time camping, but it’s taken us several days to get back in the full swing of things. Polly has been sick, so naturally Josh & I are also feeling under the weather. Between a looming tax deadline and trying to close our mortgage this month, I’m a little over April already.
experiencing | While we’ve experienced lots of fun things over the last month, we’re currently experiencing baby’s first sickness. Polly started feeling bad during our camping trip last week and by the time we got her to the doctor on Saturday, it was full blown RSV. We’ve been doing breathing treatments every four hours since then and she’s finally on the mend.
appreciating | It’s easy to take our jobs for granted — especially when we’ve been at them for eleven and seven years — but we are so fortunate for being able to work remotely. Neither of us could take vacation last week, so we took turns working while the kids enjoyed Spring Break. Josh set up shop in the camper, during the day, and I tried to keep the girls occupied outside. I was fortunate that most of my team was also on Spring Break, so I caught up on work while Polly was napping or in the evenings after the girls were in bed.
wishlisting | After our trip, we realized several things that we needed for our summer camping trip. We’ve been working on our camper for several years and I try to add a few updates and upgrades as we go. I’ve started a camper wish list on Amazon and I’m trying to add a few items to my cart each month.
posting | I shared our most recent Amazon purchases yesterday, I’ve got a recap of our camping trip slated for tomorrow, and I’m hoping to have March’s video recap ready for Friday. I completely forgot to schedule any posts during Spring Break, but I’m making up for it this week!
considering | We have been battling sleep for months now and I can’t decide if it’s getting any better. It feels like every time we make any progress, something happens — she learns to roll over, the temperature changes drastically, daylight savings time, RSV. I feel sure she’ll sleep eventually, but I wish she would sleep now. We took Cara’s newborn class (which was hugely helpful) and I’m considering ordering her ABC’s of Sleep class, but it’s pricey. Has anyone tried it?