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Dear 2019, I wasn’t ready for your arrival. I’m not ready for it to be the year after Polly was born — that’s moving a little too fast for my taste. The good news is, I’m a glutton for fresh starts and everything about you feels shiny and new.
Dear Pollywog, You are growing up so fast! We just started using the bumbo seat and high chair in the last few weeks and it’s a nice change of pace for us all. You still prefer being snuggled or worn in the sling, but the highchair is proving to be the easiest way to cook dinner.
Dear Marie Kondo, I had no idea you had a new series on Netflix, but I managed to binge every episode in the span of two days. I was already employing your folding method (my favorite part of reading your book several years ago), but now I’m tidying allthethings.
Dear Photographs, I’ve always been really good about organizing you on my hard-drive, but I can’t remember the last time I made an album or had any prints made. So far, this year, I’ve ordered my entire Instagram feed from Chatbooks, created a family yearbook for 2018 (and started working on previous years), and began organizing old prints. One of my goals for this year is to have you better organized and I’m off to a great start (more on that later this month!).
Dear Sophie, I’m so proud of you for trying basketball this season. I was so nervous during that first game (and the first few practices), but you are improving with every day. You look adorable in your uniform and I love the look of concentration on your face when you practice free throws in the back yard.
Dear Mastitis, Thank goodness you are finally long gone. Your symptoms might not have lasted too long, but you did a number on my milk supply. Polly and I are happy that things seem mostly back to normal.
Dear Dairy, I do miss you a ton, but I’m crossing my fingers that Polly does not. We have about ten more days of a freezer stash before you’ll be long gone and, hopefully, Polly’s tummy isn’t so rumbly all the time. If not, I’m coming back for you next month!
Dear Log House, One of my favorite parts of the holiday season was hosting our friends and family for new years. You are the best place for entertaining and even though there weren’t enough chairs for everyone we invited, I don’t think anybody noticed.
Dear New Calendar, You haven’t arrived yet (because:procrastinator), but I’m so eager to put you to good use. I’m working on being a little more organized this year and you are one of the things I’m most looking forward to. I successfully used the same planner for the entire calendar year of 2018, so I didn’t feel bad about upgrading, even a little bit.
Dear Brandless, How did I not know about you before now?! I’m just getting to try out my bath and beauty products, but so far, I’m loving the gentle formulas and subtle scents.
Dear Jerry the Deer, We have loved catching glimpses of you in our yard this week and we’re hoping you’ll continue visiting us every evening. Ella couldn’t wait to tell everyone about you and to give you a name. She’s been telling us all week that you’re her new best friend. Ha!
Dear Virtual Friends, I’m so excited that you’re back here again this year! I got so many requests to bring it back after neglecting it during my pregnancy and maternity leave.
Dear New Visitors, This is our favorite new old linkup. The second Friday of every month, we’ll be sharing Little Letters together on our blogs. Write a series of letters to anyone or anything you’d like — they can be sweet, sentimental, irreverent or funny — and come back here to link up. Don’t forget to share with your friends, this is one of those times where “the more, the merrier” definitely applies!
To link up, share the banner below, link back to this post, and invite your friends to play along. Don’t have a blog? Leave your letter in the comments of this post instead. We’ll share again on Friday, February 8th. See you then!