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Here’s another one of those baby centric posts that not everyone will appreciate, but for those of you who are also trying to pack a hospital bag, you need this as much as I would! Plus, who doesn’t love being nosy and peeking inside someone else’s luggage?!
I haven’t added toiletries to my bag yet, but I’m still using those on a daily basis. I have packed everything else on my list, so in an emergency, I could throw my makeup bag on top and head for the hospital.
If you follow along on Instagram, you might have seen my stories about what bag to pack. I’ve gone back and forth about buying a pretty duffle ir using my ugly gym bag, but I didn’t really want to do either. I have three pieces of L.L.Bean luggage that my parents bought me for Christmas in 1993 — technically, that makes it vintage! It’s been in storage and smelled a little funky, but after much internet research, it looks — and smells! — as good as new. Let’s take a peek inside.
01 | Duffle Bag or Weekender: There isn’t much to say that I haven’t already said, but I really wanted to carry something pretty or at least timeless. My luggage is hunter green with leather trim and my maiden monogram (how cool is that?!) and it still looks beautiful. I polished all the leather, scrubbed the canvas, and threw it in a Rubbermaid bin with baking soda to pull out the smell (this totally worked!) It’s the perfect size to hold all of my necessities, without being too big or heavy. They don’t sell mybexact bag anymore, but this LLBean Sportsman’s Duffle is pretty similar.
02 | Comfortable Pajamas + Robe: I didn’t have any pjs that I’m not embarrassed to wear in front of someone, but I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on things I couldn’t wear later. I picked up a few nursing gowns from Amazon, some non-maternity pajama sets from Target and this awesome Milk Maid Goods Striped Robe (it has a matching baby swaddle!)
03 | Comfortable Nursing Bras: I’ve already shared these Hofish 3 Pack Seamless Clip Down Maternity Bras with you once, but they are comfy enough to sleep in and will be perfect for sleeping in while we’re at the hospital.
04 | Slippers: I didn’t have any house shoes or slippers (Scoop ate one of mine after Christmas), so I ordered these fun fuzzy black slippers with a leftover birthday gift card!
05 | Nursing Supplies: I’m not sure we’ll need to pump while we’re in the hospital, but I thought I would put my Spectra S2 Pump in the trunk of my car, just in case. Did you know your health insurance might cover your pump entirely?! The company verified my insurance and delivered it on my behalf in about 10 days! I’m also packing nursing pads and shields, plus this Lanolin Free Nipple Butter.
06 | Items to Make You Feel Beautiful + More Like Yourself: This is going to come down to personal preference, but I always feel better with a little makeup on my face. I’ll likely go pretty minimal, but some mascara and lip gloss will make me feel much more like myself! I’ll also be adding my favorite lotion, lip balm, dry shampoo + a hair straightener.
07 | Camera: We’re having my sister take photographs, both in the delivery room and after our family meets the baby, but you know I’ll want to take ALL the pictures. I’m packing my Sony a6000, charging cable, extra memory cards, and my 50mm lens.
08 | Chargers + an Extension Cord: You never know how far from an electrical plug you’ll be, so be sure to pack a long phone cord (like this two pack) or at least throw in a cheap extension cord to give you more flexibility!
09 | Something to wear home: I’ve been debating what to wear home from the hospital, but this caftan came in the mail yesterday and I think I’m going to save it for the big day. It’s so soft and comfy and will fit both now and later. I also grabbed the sweetest Pixie Lily gown for baby. It’s solid white, so perfect for boy OR girl and is exactly like the gowns the girls wore on their “birth” day.
10 | Undergarments: This was another internal debate, but I couldn’t quite decide on what to pack. So many people recommended these disposable ones, because they are more comfortable and practical than the mesh panty + maxi pad combo. I also ordered these high-waisted, c-section approved undies, so at least I’ll have options (P.S. I tried them on last night and they are super comfy, even with the bump!).
11 | Toiletries + Shower Stuff: I’ve covered most of this already, but I’d also recommend packing your favorite shower supplies. I know the hospital provides travel sized toiletries, but I’d prefer to have my own, more natural, products. I’m a big fan of flip flops in a public bathing situation, but these shower shoes from Amazon are super cheap and come in lots of colors. It doesn’t hurt that they are adorable and can double as pool shoes next summer.
12 | Journal or Baby Book: I might end up packing my big baby book, but I’m definitely planning to carry my Promptly Journal to keep a record of our first few days. I’m trying to be so much better with memory keeping in my old age, so when better to start than birth?!
13 | Memory Makers: I know that practically every Instagram baby announcement looks the same, but I can’t resist jumping on the wagon. In addition to this ink pad (our hospital doesn’t take foot prints, so I’m planning to do it myself), I’m taking my letter board for some fun photos, and similar introduction stickers to announce baby’s name and gender.
Anything that I’m missing? If there is a hospital item you couldn’t live without that I need to know about? It’s been 8 years, so I’m sure I’m forgetting something!