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Dear Beach Vacation, We’ve been home for almost three whole weeks and I’m still missing you like crazy. Thankfully we’re spending the weekend in the sand again right now, but it just isn’t the same without our camper.
Dear 2019 Vacations, I know it’s only July, but I am so glad to have you booked and on the calendar already. A week on the lake for Spring Break, two weeks at the beach for Summer Vacation — let’s see what else we can plan before the year rolls over.
Dear Maternity Leave, Why are you still eight weeks away?
Dear Baby, I am so thankful for every move, hiccup, and twitch. I know that all of those tiny movements are proof that you’re alive and thriving and really coming home with us in September. Still, it would be kind of amazing it you avoided my bladder and also stopped trying to break free of my uterus every time I stand up.
Dear Orangetheory, I really want to love you right now, but it’s hard. I’m sorry for crying and storming out of the gym on Thursday, but I couldn’t bring myself to row one more meter. I ate a muffin, took a hot shower, and let Josh give me a pep talk, so maybe Monday’s workout will be better. Could we maybe avoid another day filled with ab workouts, though? The thought of modifying one more weight floor session makes me want to throw up.
Dear Log House, It looks like we might actually get to buy you this year! It’s been a long two years, but our new property lines are about to become a reality and even though we’re not thrilled about rerouting our driveway, I’m thrilled to know we’ll finally have some resolution. We might not have a nursery before baby arrives, but maybe our home will feel a little bit more like home before the holidays.
Dear Rothy’s, You are officially my favorite pregnancy product. Sure, I’ll enjoy you long after this baby arrives, but you have been a lifesaver for my tired and swollen feet the last few months. I just added a second pair to my arsenal, but I’m strongly considering the red ones, too. I think I might have a problem. Pssst, you can get $20 off your first pair using this link.
Dear Hospital Bag, You might not be cute (hello, gym bag) and you’re definitely not packed (because I have eight more weeks of working out to do), but I have at least made most of your purchases for the big day. I ordered the softest robe for me and a coordinating swaddle set for baby, plenty of pretty things to sleep in during our stay, and the most extra pair of fuzzy slippers I’ve ever seen. If we’re going to take birth photos this time, I’m planning to be adorable!
Dear Virtual Friends, I’m so excited that you’re back here again this month. I hope that we can grow this little linkup together and learn all sorts of fun things about each other as we go.
Dear New Visitors, This is our favorite new linkup. The second Friday of every month, we’ll be sharing Little Letters together on our blogs. Write a series of letters to anyone or anything you’d like and come back here to link up. Don’t forget to share with your friends. This is one of those times where “the more, the merrier” definitely applies!
To link up, share the banner below, link back to this post, and invite your friends to play along. Don’t have a blog? Leave your letter in the comments of this post, or on my Instagram or Facebook posts for today instead. We’ll share again on Friday, August 10th. See you then!