Once upon a time, I wrote birthday letters on (or very near) the girls’ actual birthdays. Fortunately, Sophie is my most forgiving child, because we are a grand nine days late.
Dear Sophie,
I hope you’ll look back on these photos and remember exactly what being eight was like. These capture your spirit and personality so perfectly and I will be forever thankful for this snapshot in time. There were days when I wrangled you into matching outfits, glittery sandals and oversized bows. You were always eager to please and never one to complain, but I’m so glad I’ve learned not to micro-manage your style and to let you be in charge a little more often. You are a big fan of mismatched outfits, stripes on stripes (much to your older sister’s chagrin), quirky graphic tees, and wild hairdos. These blue plastic sandals found their way into your Easter Basket this year and despite being a full two sizes too big (#momfail), you wear them everywhere. You mentioned a few days before your birthday that you couldn’t wait to see your birthday shirt. I hope you won’t mind that I snagged both pieces for less than $10 – at Target – the night before your birthday?! Neon and glitter are right up your alley and you were pleased as punch to wear these out.
I can’t wait to watch you transition from little sister to BIG SISTER this year. It has already been so much fun to talk with you about the baby and find out all of the things you are most excited for. I hope you’ll thrive as a middle child and I can already see how your easy going attitude will make you so well suited for that role. Some of my favorite baby-related moments with you (so far) have been: endless texts that read “I love baby” using only emojis, nightly belly hugs, your hilarious letterboard quotes, touring the hospital with you and answering all of your questions about labor + delivery, folding tiny baby laundry, and hearing all of your (hilarious) baby name suggestions. I’m writing down as many of these memories as I can remember to, but I can’t imagine they will ever be far from my mind.
I felt so guilty when I asked you if we could skip the big birthday party this year (FYI: we go big until ten years old + a golden birthday soiree), but you handled it with such grace. You take such good care of me and are happy in any and every situation, so I’m not sure why I even worried about it. I think you might have been happier about spending the evening out with your three best friends (plus Ella + her BFF) than you would have been about any party theme I could have come up with. Watching you smile and laugh alongside them all night was the highlight of my month. Second grade conversations are hilariously awkward — remind me to tell you all about them one day.
I was so proud of how brave you were a the trampoline park. Your daddy and I were both a little surprised that this is how you chose to spend your evening, since you tend to be pretty timid about anything slightly scary. You jumped and climbed and fell from a two story platform with vigor and a HUGE smile on your face. We had no idea that you were coming down with a viral infection (despite several “rest breaks” to cuddle your daddy), but you still had the very best time!
I wish I had taken more pictures on your special day — especially when you opened your gifts — but I’m learning to enjoy the moment and worry less about preserving every second. Your friends bought you some very “Sophie” gifts that involved crafts and drawing and reading. Your sister and I bought you a beautiful new journaling Bible that you have been obsessed with filling and I can’t wait to watch you learn more and grow in your faith as you color and paint those pages (I’ll share a post soon with some of what we’ve been creating together!). Your daddy was super smart (he always is) and subscribed to a monthly science kit for you and you two have had the best time working on those projects together. You also got plenty of spending money for the beach and a few gift cards to spend at your favorite shops — let’s just actually spend them this time, okay (She found $165 and eight gift cards from her 5th birthday this weekend?!)?
I love you Tazzie Lou-Lou. You are Tutu Monigraff in the very best way!
You can read previous birthday letters here: SEVEN | SIX | FIVE (my favorite) | FOUR | THREE | TWO | ONE