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I might only be sharing a monthly bumpdate, but I’m still taking weekly photos to share on Instagram — and to preserve for the baby book — so I figured I would catch up at the beginning of each update post. Here are our weekly photos since we last checked on baby.
Honestly? It’s hard not to talk about baby all the time. I’m sure you’ve noticed a definite return to mommy blogging around here, but when it’s the focus of your entire life at the moment, it’s hard not to gush about it all the time. I know that it’s different for every mama, but I’m that girl at the grocery store checkout dying to say: Did you notice my baby bump? I’m pregnant!
fold-over waist maternity shorts | maternity tank | similar striped sweatshirt
I’m still pretty sick first thing in the morning (much to Josh’s dismay), but generally speaking — I’m feeling so much better. I got a prescription for nausea medicine that I can take multiple times a day and although it makes me more tired than I would be otherwise, the trade off is worth it! It doesn’t eliminate the morning sickness that comes on the heels of brushing my teeth, but it keeps the overwhelming sense of nausea at bay for the rest of the day. I’ve forgotten to take it before bed a few times (because once I’m in bed, I fall asleep immediately) and I can definitely tell a huge difference in how I feel the next day.
My 16 week appointment was delayed because of Spring Break, so I’m not sure how much I’ll weigh according to the doctor. Based on the scales at the gym, I think I’ve gained between 3-5 pounds, which seems pretty normal for 16 weeks. I’ll update you after my appointment next week, but I’m trying to focus my energy on how I look and feel, rather than some number on the scales.
Since our last visit, we had genetic testing for chromosomal defects and the most adorable ultrasound of all time! All of our test results were negative and even though we don’t want to know the sex of the baby, it is officially written down in my chart. It’s so weird knowing that our medical professionals know something that we don’t. Because the genetic testing included an ultrasound and they measured every inch of the baby’s body, Josh and I got to watch it move around in real time for more than thirty minutes. It was so cool to watch and it’s hard to believe I’m not feeling the brunt of those moves. I can feel baby flutters from time to time — especially when my bladder is full or I’ve been wearing a seatbelt for a long time — but I’m anxious for those daily reminders that everything is going okay.
I’m still pretty emotional about all the things. I cried through a book a few nights ago and made the HUGE mistake of re-watching Me Before You with Josh on Monday night. He laughed at how emotional it made me, given I’ve already read the book and seen the movie! I find myself crying anytime I read about someone else’s pregnancy, delivery, or first few days at home with a newborn. I’m so ready to experience all of that again (although I don’t want to rush it) and it makes me ridiculously excited to think about.
The lowest point for me, emotionally speaking, is to think about how often I swore we would never have another baby. I know that my intentions weren’t bad, but I watched a video this week where I emphatically stated Thank God, I don’t have to have another baby! and it made me so sad and embarrassed. While we are still so very surprised to find ourselves here, we couldn’t be more excited and in awe of this little one and I would never want our child to question our desire to welcome them into our family.
Josh is still just trying to survive the mood swings, but is taking such great care of me. He’s quick to tell me to sit down and rest when it’s clear I’m not feeling well, and he has catered to every whim and pregnancy craving that I have been able to come up with. We’ve enjoyed a quiet week at home without the girls and it’s provided us time to shop for the nursery, have uninterrupted meals, and really work hard on a list of names to take with us to the hospital. I am so thankful that he’s as weird and quirky as I am, because he’s come up with some great names! We’re trying to keep things old-fashioned, like our girls’ names, and are working hard to incorporate a middle name that honors our family history. It’s tough!
The girls are still amazing and every day brings us new challenges, questions, and excitements. Sophie texts me daily to tell me she loves the baby and she frequently changes the quote on our letterboard to an encouraging note about life at home with three. Ella is still unsure about sharing her room with Sophie indefinitely, but the longer I’m pregnant, the more excited she gets about baby. We talked to them both about baby names last week and Ella has been the most vocal about what she does and doesn’t like — we’re trying to take their feelings into account, which adds one more layer to the naming discussion.
The bulk of my maternity clothes came in this week and the last few items should be here in a few more days. I was trying to keep the shopping to a minimum, but I forgot how much — and how quickly! — your body changes. I didn’t spend very much money and I’ve been able to find sales and discount codes for the items I’ve purchased. I’m sharing a links + love post full of my favorites tomorrow, so be sure to check back in.
The gym has gotten much easier in the last few weeks. I’m working on increasing my treadmill speeds, but I’m never going to be able to run as fast with a belly as I could without. The impact on the treads and jumping in the weight room sends me straight to the potty, but I’m managing to survive. I’ve started taking a few classes in the afternoons and I realized how much better I feel then, than in the morning. I can’t swing afternoon classes all week, but making a few classes a week is making me feel so much more capable! I’m working on a post all about pregnancy and working out, so look for that on the blog next week.
I’m sleeping really great right now and enjoying it while it lasts. I tried using a pregnancy pillow for a few nights last week, but it left me feeling claustrophobic. Instead, I’m sleeping with a regular pillow between my knees (to relieve pressure on my hips) and that seems to be working much better. I’m still going to bed a few hours earlier than normal, but I can finally survive on eight hours of sleep instead of sixteen.
Here’s a little comparison between sixteen weeks pregnant with Sophie and sixteen weeks pregnant with baby number three. It’s a little hard to tell since I was sitting down, but I think my chest and belly look pretty similar in size!