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Dear August Stack of Books, Stop staring at me from the bedside table. I’m almost positive I’ll read some one of you.
Dear Bookish Friends, I’m thinking about changing how I review books around here. Well, not around here, exactly. I’m thinking about sharing Instagram book reviews, as I finish them, and then doing the same roundup at the end of the month here. How does that sound?
Dear Big Little Lies, I’ve avoided you forever because I seem to have bad luck with your author. I watched the HBO series and loved it, so I’ve decided to give you a try. Please don’t disappoint.
Dear BOTM Thrillers, I am so excited to read you. I have been on such a thriller kick this summer and you both got fantastic reviews (Fierce Kingdom | The Lying Game).
Dear Colorado, Can we come back?
Dear Pinchy Muscle in My Back, Could you stop being pinchy? You were fine when I left them gym on Wednesday, not fine when I woke up on Thursday, and sort of fine today. You are really cramping my style.
Dear Rowing Machine, You are officially dead to me. Dead. I am so tired of you making me cry. It looks like I’m going to have to buy a granny cushion after all. <insert major eye roll here>
Dear Elementary School, Welcome back. I know most of the other mamas are complaining about you, but we’re singing your praises over here. Thank for you regular schedules, exhausted little girls, and amazingly funny stories.
Dear Sophie’s Christmas List, You are officially the funniest thing I’ve ever read. Whoever told her there were only fourteen Mondays until Christmas wins.
Dear Scoop, You weight twenty-five pounds. Twenty. Five. I need you to stop growing, sort out your house training issues, and stop chewing on my mid-century modern chair.
Dear Ozark, You are my favorite of the moment show. We successfully binged all of your episodes inside a week and I’m still thinking about that finale.
Dear Jason Bateman, You are still adorable.
Dear Bloodline, You are next.
Dear Virtual Friends, I’m so excited that you’re back here again this month. I hope that we can grow this little linkup together and learn all sorts of fun things about each other as we go.
Dear New Visitors, This is our favorite new linkup. The second Friday of every month, we’ll be sharing Little Letters together on our blogs. Write a series of letters to anyone or anything you’d like and come back here to link up. Don’t forget to share with your friends. This is one of those times where “the more, the merrier” definitely applies!
To link up, share the banner below, link back to this post, and invite your friends to play along. Don’t have a blog? Leave your letter in the comments of this post, or on my Instagram or Facebook posts for today instead. We’ll share again on Friday, September 8th. See you then!