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Am I the only one around here who LOVES filling Easter baskets?! And even though I’m on the verge of having nobody in my house who even believes in the Easter bunny (Ella is old enough to know better and Sophie is the most skeptical child alive), I can assure you my girls will have a basket to unpack, every Easter until they’re married. Easter baskets were always one of my favorite things as a child — my mom was THE BEST at filling them and they were always so different from what my friend’s all got in their baskets. We had very little candy and, instead, my mom focused on things we already needed or fun items that we wouldn’t ordinarily get to enjoy. I was so thrilled the first year I got to fill a basket for Ella and I continue to be giddy, every Spring when it’s time to shop.
I’ve shared before that one of the things I’m working towards this year, is replacing all of the junk products in our cabinets, with high-quality, safe and non-toxic items — especially when it comes to things that the kids are using. It can be overwhelming — and expensive — to do it all at once, so I’ve been researching brands that are safe (and that I can afford!), so when items run out, I can replace them with something better. What better time to add a few things, than in our Easter Baskets this year?
I know this is going to sound a bit over-the-top, so bear with me for a minute. We’re buying the girls new bicycles for Easter this year (I really like these, but I’m still looking for a less expensive “beach cruiser” for them both). They are both so close to outgrowing the ones we have and they ride them every single day. We knew we would need to replace them before we went to the beach, so we decided to get a jump start on that purchase. It will allow the girls to enjoy them all Spring and adjust to a larger size before our vacation. For this reason, we’re buying super cute bike baskets and will replace their Easter baskets with these overnight. We thought it would be cool for them to find them, be confused, and then track down their bikes outside.
I almost always buy a book for them and this one will definitely be going in Sophie’s basket. I’ve shared it on Instagram already, but it is THE SWEETEST picture book we’ve read in awhile. I actually ordered one for the girls a month or so ago, but after flipping through the first few pages, we wrapped it up as a birthday gift (don’t panic, it was brand new and only read once!).
I typically add new sandals and a swimsuit to their baskets and these boho gladiators are adorable! I’ve already picked up something similar at Target, but I’m wondering if the quality of these would be better. These are the kinds of things we would be buying this time of year anyway, but my girls always look forward to finding them in their baskets.
I’m sure I’ll pick up a package of their favorite candies (because: Easter breakfast), but I try to find other fun things to fill the remainder of the basket. Think beauty products, accessories and sunglasses! This year, I’m adding some natural deodorant (I’m hoping this OTC version will help with the transition from chemical based antiperspirants before I purchase something baking soda based), this Dr. Bronner’s natural lip balm, a few bath bombs that I found in smaller quantities at Target, safer sunscreen (we go through SO MANY bottles each summer) and a new wet brush.
Any because no post is complete without an actual photograph, here is a peek at our baskets from the last several years. How adorable is it that we still use the baskets that my sister and I used our entire childhood? We have three different sizes and I just switch them out depending on what size we need for each year!
2016 Easter Baskets
2015 Easter Baskets
2014 Easter Baskets
2013 Easter Baskets
And because they are the cutest, here are the girls opening their baskets on Easter morning in 2013. Look at Sophie’s face (!!), and those sponge rollers, and sweet Beemer’s nose peeking into the picture. Everything about this makes me nostalgic.
What are you filling your Easter Baskets with this year?