I’ve honestly been saying no to everything fun for the last several weeks because we’re knee deep in boxes and have had a house full of contractors at all times. It’s been a good month, but it’s been full and overwhelming and packed to the brim with to-dos and wishlists and shopping trips. When my sister asked me to tag along to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, I knew I needed to say no, but I’m so glad I didn’t. We snuck away for a few hours and the packing tape was exactly where I left it when we returned. Thank goodness for sweet sisters and brother cousins and beautiful fall weather when we need it!
We are still dying in ninety degree afternoons and praying for actual fall in Alabama, but Saturday morning was perfect. Sure, it was blazing hot by afternoon, but when you’re at the farm when they open the gates, you can take advantage of short lines and cooler temperatures. The air was crisp and the sky was the deepest blue.
We live about five miles from the best pumpkin patch in the state. It’s owned by the sweetest family, is still a working farm, and despite the fact that they live there, they invite the world into their home every weekend in October. It’s funny to remember how much smaller the crowds were when our girls were babies because it is insane now. We grabbed breakfast early and made it there just as it was opening, but by the time we left, parking had moved into overflow pastures and the lines were long.
Also, all of those mamas who were hoping for sweet fall pictures were dripping with sweat. We dressed perfectly for the time we were there, but I saw so many people in turtlenecks and fur vests, and they could not have been comfortable in that! I was glad we layered and could peel off our flannels as the day warmed up!
We told the kids they could only pick pumpkins that they could carry themselves this year. We made the mistake of letting them get huge pumpkins last year and it was just about all we could do to get them to the wagons!
Kamin brought her new camera and you can obviously tell which photos are hers. I snagged a few from her last night to share with you, because they are just so darn cute! The one above was from my camera and hers is below. I mean, how crazy sharp and beautiful is that?!
I had the brilliant idea to grab our tailgate wagon as we were pulling out of the driveway. I pulled Hudson around in it for awhile, but after we picked pumpkins, it was the perfect way to haul all of our loot. Bonus points for having a place to stash snacks and extra water!
Everybody’s favorite stop seems to be the corn maze and we saved it for last. I decided not to pull the wagon in and out of the maze (it’s terribly hard to steer!), so I pulled the pumpkins to the end of the maze and waited on K and the kids to find their way out. She snagged a few more cute photos of the kids while they played.
Check out past visits to Old Baker Farm here: 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009
Posting will probably be light over here while we finish packing and making last minute repairs before we close next week, but I have a few things planned to keep you entertained while I’m gone. Starting in November, I’ll be sharing thoughts about our new place and what the next few months look like as we gear up to renovate after the holidays.