If you’re following me on social media, you may have seen my August journaling challenge. I love to spend time in the word, especially when it involves art supplies, but summer has really hijacked my schedule and I found myself spending less and less time in Bible study and prayer.
I had already decided to challenge myself to a more regular devotion time, but it was so fitting that at our church this month we are engaging in 21 Days of Prayer. Every morning from 6 to 7 o’clock, thousands of people are meeting in campuses across the state for an hour of both personal and corporate prayer. It would have been very hard for me to get to our campus, so I’ve been streaming the messages either at home before I leave for work or in the car during my commute. Some mornings I spend the entire time in prayer and other days I’ve used some of that time to journal in my Bible.
I have committed to participating in all 21 days along with sharing 31 pages of my Bible this month. Today rounds out the first week and I thought I’d share the first seven pages for you here.