My people were so good to me on Mother’s Day this year. Josh laughed when I was prepping the coffee pot on Saturday night so that he wouldn’t have to do any guesswork the next morning. He thought I was being a bit presumptuous to assume breakfast in bed, but I figured {since I went to the store and picked up the ingredients and then set the coffee pot and added cream and sugar to my cup the night before} they had no excuses. I was greeted with a VERY loud “Happy Mother’s Day” from my youngest as they barreled into our room. I was out cold and it was quite the wake up. I was overwhelmed with homemade cards and warm coffee and pigs in a blanket and a Stitch Fix gift card. Score!
After church, we met Josh’s parents at a local Mexican restaurant and treated them to lunch. It was so nice to sit outside in the sunshine and enjoy their company with nothing much on the agenda. When Josh asked me how I wanted to spend the rest of the day, there was exactly zero hesitation on my part. I know for some parts of the country, summer is still very much a dream for you – I even had someone tell me it snowed for them last week and I have no idea how to process that! Here in Alabama, it’s been a scorching 85* most days and we are already enjoying the lazy days of summer. With only four more days of school left this year, our brains have already shifted over to late afternoons spent around the pool trying to figure out how to manage another meal on the grill so we don’t have to go home!
Ella and I did a lot of reading on Sunday afternoon. We all watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a few weeks ago and my girls can’t stop talking about Narnia. I pulled out our boxed set of books last week and now Ella can’t put this one down. She is ALWAYS reading out loud, which I love. She laid right next to me for an hour and read all about the White Witch.
These two, on the other hand, have no idea how to be still! They were in and out of the water and the barn all afternoon, but never lost the smile on their face. They demolished donuts and Doritos and cheese puffs and acted like it was the best day they had ever had.
Can you see the end of the barn in the background? This will be our first summer with an outdoor structure near the pool and WE. ARE. PUMPED. It has completely changed the landscape of the pool area — it’s almost completely unrecognizable. Eventually it will mean a nearby bathroom and kitchenette and I’m sure my mom’s hardwood floors will thank her. For now, we are enjoying the porch swing and a shady spot, but soon there will be decking and ceiling fans, too! While the bathrooms aren’t on the immediate horizon, we are already loving having a full sized refrigerator just on the other side of that door — it’s been fully stocked with water, Dr. Pepper and plenty of ice pops.
I spent most of the afternoon laying in this shady spot between my mom and my sister — the best two moms I know. It’s hard to get us all in one spot with nothing on our agenda, so we were lucky to get to do it two days in a row {yes, this is pretty much what Saturday looked like, too}. We talked about the beach and our plans for summer, we dreamed up new houses and blog projects and laughed way too much.
I hope your Mother’s Day was just as fabulous and that you got everything out of the day that you hoped for!