We did Easter a little different this year and it might be one of my favorites ever! In case you aren’t aware of this, you can absolutely get in touch with the bunny and make special requests. Since we were going to be at the beach until the evening before Easter (and now we go to a church with an earlier service), I was worried about being rushed to get through baskets and still get to church on-time (and with a smile on our face). The bunny was more than happy to show up a few days early and leave baskets for the girls while we were at the beach!
Since I’m sure you are dying to know, here is the breakdown on what each girl got. Sophie: Frozen metal lunchbox, Frozen tumbler, Frozen panties, Bible purse sticker book, art supplies, bubbles, jump rope, swimsuit & candy. Ella: Bible purse sticker book, infinity scarf, spiral curlers, makeup bag, journaling Bible & supplies, swimsuit & candy. I know that different families do different things to celebrate Easter, but I’m of the mind to avoid too much candy and fill their baskets with things we would already be needing, like accessories for Sunday morning or new pool gear for summer.
It was funny because Ella had a nightmare in the middle of the night and ended up in bed with us. She woke up later than I expected and Josh & I were just staring at her, trying not to giggle. We were so ready for someone to discover the baskets already! Eventually, she spotted an egg above one of the window valances and then asked why there were eggs hidden throughout the RV. She got up and woke Sophie up in the bunk house and they started hunting eggs. It was several more minutes before they realized baskets had been delivered.
Of course, we didn’t bring our baskets with us to the beach (the girls use hand-painted baskets that belonged to me and my sister when we were little), so the bunny had to improvise. I had stuck these metal baskets in the car to use for corralling various things while we were on the trip and they worked so well. So well, in fact, that I’d kind of like this to be a thing.
Sophie loved all of the Frozen gear, but the new swimsuits were their favorites. Especially since we were at the beach and they got to wear them that day. The EB did a bang up job on sizes and styles, because these were too super happy girls at the pool that day. Of course, we followed up baskets with a quick Facetime chat with Gran — she left the day before and was dying to hear about our big surprise!
Moms, I need you to know what a breeze this made Easter Sunday morning. Yes, they did ask if the EB came back and hid eggs, but nobody was really disappointed with our slow morning. This may have been the smartest (collaborative) idea we’ve ever had.
This super cute family photo was snagged after church. I got several cute ones of the girls before we left that morning, but OF COURSE my camera battery died just as I fastened it onto the tripod. Fortunately, K wanted to come by after services and take a few of her family, too, so it worked out fine. If by fine, you mean completely chaotic and drama-filled. Ella was mad because of something that happened in the car. Josh had grabbed our flag off the porch to try and convince Hudson to look at the camera. Sophie was armed with ALL the funny faces and duck lips. Not to be left out, Beemer is practically deaf (or just stubborn and ancient) and refused just about every command we gave her. The photo below more accurately displays the Easter afternoon shenanigans.
Later in the afternoon, we had a fabulous pot-luck lunch/dinner at my parents. My mom has decided that the softball game after lunch needs to be a regular thing. I’m not a sports-y girl, but I can watch and take pictures with the best of them. They pretty much played a no-rules version of baseball where everyone won. It was HILARIOUS to watch everyone’s attempt at batting and running.
This little bit had a fabulous time.
But let’s face it, most of the pictures I take of her these days look more like this!
And for comparison’s sake (you know I love a good comparison shot), here are some easter photos starting with the one just before Sophie’s arrival. We have gone through quite a few changes over the last six Easters!
2010: This was less than a week before Sophie’s arrival and I was ready to POP. It was taken in my parents’ back yard right before lunch.
2011: Sophie’s first Easter and some of my favorite Easter outfits ever. Josh had just shaved his head and I had figured out how to do some miraculous french braid around the crown of my hair.
2012: Holy hair, Batman!! Josh was growing his hair out pretty long that year and this look was tragic. Trust me when I tell you that by summer, it was more than a little fabulous. I had given up DP for lent that year and we grabbed one in the drive-thru on the way to church.
2013: This one was snagged in the side yard at my parents’ house. It was a complete coincidence that my dress/boot combo ended up matching the girls (although everyone pointed it out). At the last minute, I decided to let them wear their flower-girl get ups from my BIL’s wedding a few weeks prior.
2014: Another snap at my mom and dad’s house. This was the first year EVER that I let the girls wear a store-bought dress for Easter. Ella had gotten so particular about what she was wearing and I just decided not to push my luck on Easter Sunday morning. My mom had actually smocked something else for Sophie that year (to match Hudson), so she wore two different dresses that day!
2015: This year’s photos are some of my favorite ever. Maybe it’s because they are current, but I feel like we look so much more like ourselves here!
Happy (belated) Easter, friends!!