I’m super excited to be co-hosting FAITH SHARE FRIDAY with Marielle over at The Resplendent today. It’s an interactive weekly Instagram hop that provides you with an opportunity to get to know and connect with other Christian women in a way you might not otherwise have the chance to. Each week, the co-hosts share some faith-based questions {and their answers} and invite you to share your wisdom with everyone following along. You can hop on over to my Instagram account at 12 CST today today check it out!
Just in case you don’t want to wait, or you aren’t into Instagram or blog hops in general, I thought I would share my question here and really encourage you to answer in the comments. Pretty please? I know you are reading — I can see how many of you stopped by today — can you share your answer in a comment today?!
QUESTION: Music is a HUGE part of my life and I find God speaking to me through lyrics — Christian and otherwise — ALL the time. Share some lyrics from your current favorite(s) and how God is using them to speak to you!
ANSWER: My favorite *current* worship tune is Oceans and we’ve listened to it in the car so many times that now my little girls are belting it out on a daily basis! “Your grace abounds in deepest waters” is a constant reminder of His faithfulness in my life, even when I’m overwhelmed and it feels like I’m drowning. Also, I completely lose it anytime I hear “In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever. Till my ransomed soul shall find, rest beyond the river.” Cue all the tears. Every. Single. Time.
And since we’re being really honest here today, let me share something a little funny {and maybe slightly inappropriate}. I was trying to decide on a faith-related question for today’s post and Josh thought it would be awesome to give me some pointers. Below are the questions he really wanted me to share. You can feel free to answer one {or all} of these instead!
- If Jesus read your blog, what would He say?
- If you and Jesus sang karaoke, what song would you choose? (this was his favorite)
- If you were pitching to Jesus, and He was standing too close to home plate, would you brush Him back?
- If you and Jesus raced, would you trip Him to win?
- If you could speak to Jesus in the form of an animal, what animal would you choose?
- Would you feel comfortable asking Jesus to pass the ketchup at the dinner table?
- Do you think Jesus would wear a backwards ball cap?
- When Jesus hears the song “Happy”, do you think he dances?
- Describe your favorite moment with Jesus using a movie title. (my personal favorite)
- Do you think Jesus is a Coke or a Pepsi guy?
- Do you think Jesus ever asks Jonah to go deep sea fishing?
- Does Moses ever use his staff-to-snake trick to try and scare Jesus?
- When you hear the name Jesus, do you pronounce it “hey-zus” in your head? (you do now)
You are welcome, friends. Happy weekend!