Dear October, Where the heck did you go? I feel like I blinked and you were gone. While we did Halloween night up right, there were so many things that we missed. We never made it to the pumpkin patch this year and we didn’t carve or paint any jack-o-lanterns. Fortunately, I don’t think my girls even realized the error of our ways.
Dear Scrooges, I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about Christmas and when it’s appropriate to begin decorating or singing along with the radio or whatever. I welcome Christmas music whenever the radio stations want to start playing it. Thanksgiving is fine, but so is Halloween. I do kind of hate seeing decorated trees in the stores in early October, but there is a tiny part of me that understands. When I looked at our calendar for November and early December this year, I just don’t know when I’ll fit it all in! We gave our house a deep cleaning on Saturday and we’ll start digging out the holiday boxes this week. I’m not apologizing, we just want to enjoy it as long as possible. Thanksgiving will get it’s proper celebration, I promise, but twinkle lights and evergreen might just be present. Don’t judge.
Dear Girls’ Weekend, Why are you still two weeks away? I love my family so much, but I am so excited about getting away with you all for three whole days. I don’t care if we ever leave the cabin, I’m excited about only bathing, feeding and caring for one person the entire weekend. I hated missing our beach weekend this year, but a weekend in the mountains might be just what the doctor ordered.
Dear Kitchen, I put you to pretty good use this weekend, no? Once I got my house cleaned all I could think about was warm comfort foods. We started with this soup on Saturday afternoon and there is still plenty left to enjoy for lunch for a few more days. We had breakfast with our Sunday School class the next morning and I already had everything I needed for baked apples. They are just as good for dessert as they are for breakfast! Last night we had a Thanksgiving Dinner at church, too, so I whipped up some quick roasted veggies to eat with our chicken and dressing. We ate way too much over the last few days.
Dear Fast Food, When am I going to learn my lesson? We went almost three weeks without eating at a restaurant and then spent the last week making up for it. It was a result of poor planning and being lazy, but it never fails to leave it’s mark. I’ve been so sick for the last 24 hours and I know it’s all the wheat and extra sugar. Please remind me to avoid you at all costs.
Dear Design Clients, Please forgive my absence. I haven’t forgotten about your projects, I’ve been doing the best I can. I had some minor technical difficulties over the past few weeks, so I’m playing catch up. There are super cute birthday party invitations and Christmas cards to come!
Dear Ankle, Get it together. You’re holding up so well when I’m running, why does walking give you such problems? I need you to act somewhat normal at all times. There are some long runs in my future and I need you to be reliable and strong. Seriously.
Dear Gone Girl, I really really want to see you before you leave the theater. Unfortunately, SD refuses to hit the movies during football season and I feel silly at the movies all by myself. Any takers?